[Fanmix] Johan Liebert (Monster)

Jun 16, 2009 20:03

Requiem - Yasuhiro Ichihashi


Dead The Long Year - Broadcast


Prey of the Strange - Happy Rhodes
He is my friend and my enemy,
And I'm the creator
Of my love.
But now, he's wanting me to die.
Come on.
Come alive.

My anger stirs right here.
I want to show you fear
Of my love.
The skies are no longer clear

Dark Thing came out.


The Egg - Emilie Simon


A Healthy Fear of Monsters - Heather Duby
It's not so improbable
That we might not amount to anything.

Can you remember when you were three feet tall?
Life was much better when everyone thought you were small.

Now there's no time to care,
So we just climb
All night
To nowhere.


I Want to Kill You - Darling Violetta
I want to kill you.
When you least expect it.
I'll bash your brains in.
When you least expect it.


My Game - The Moon Seven Times
Just playing with you
Testing my strength.
Just fooling around.
Me and my game.


Requiem For the Gods - Michiru Yamane


Ave Maria - Giulio Caccini
Holy Mary, mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.


(don't fear the) Reaper - s.e.k.s.
Came the last night of sadness, and it was clear she couldn't go on.
Then the door was open and the wind appeared,
The candles blew then disappeared.
The curtains flew then he appeared, saying don't be afraid.
And she had no fear, and she ran to him, then they started to fly.
They looked backward and said goodbye.

She had become like they are.
She had taken his hand.
She had become like they are.
Come on, baby,
Don't fear the reaper.


A Necessary End - Saltillo
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard
It seems to me most strange that man should fear
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.


Breakable ("Monster" Edit) - Ingrid Michaelson
Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?
Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts.
So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess.
And to stop the muscle that makes us confess.

We are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Girls and boys.


Mad World - Gary Jules
All around me are familiar faces - worn out places, worn out faces.
Bright and early for their daily races,
Going nowhere, going nowhere.
And their tears are filling up their glasses -
No expression, no expression.
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow.
No tomorrow

No tomorrow


Cold Water - Damien Rice
Cold, cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand
Lord, can you hear me?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me?
Or am I lost?


The Frozen World - Emilie Simon
Everything is calm,
At the end of the planet.
In our white desert.

The sun kissed the ice
It glistens for me
And we are one again

We belong to the frozen world


The Fly - Dave Matthews
I only wanted someone to play
Play play play
When I pull the wings off of the fly
They fly never wonders why.

You know, they never really ever had to love me
But no one will ever love them now.
They always thought that somehow they could save me. But why oh why?
For pity's sake, they should have saved themselves.


The Beginning is the End is the Beginning - The Smashing Pumpkins
Send a heartbeat to the void that cries through you.
Relive the pictures that have come to pass.
For now we stand alone; the world is lost and blown,
And we are flesh and blood disintegrate,
With no more to hate.

Is it bright where you are?
Have the people changed?
Does it make you happy? You're so strange.
And in your darkest hour,
I hold secrets flame.
We can watch the world devoured in it's pain.


Shadow - Michiru Oshima


Village of the Doomed - Chris Vrenna


Requiem (Reprise) - Konami Kukeiha Club


[.zip with all songs]

Song Choice
thelake! I know you asked for Johan/Anna or Johan/Tenma, but it sort of ended up being Johan alone, hah. Although there's a fair bit of Thoughts on Anna in here, too.

...I'm not sure I can explain most of these, to be honest. It's pretty much on feeling. But I can say that if there's a loving-but-vaguely-creepy sentiment, I generally attribute it to Johan's thoughts on Anna. And I can say this much:

Requiem: First movement. Beginning, bleeding child.

Prey of the Strange: Look at me, look at me! The Monster inside me has gotten this big!

Ave Maria: Everything will be in flames.

Breakable: This song makes me think of that bit where Johan-as-Anna is talking to that poor kid who is so sure his mother will find him, and Johan smiles and says, "What if she recognizes you and pretends she doesn't?"

Mad World: Flashback to 511 Kinderheim.

Cold Water: My other half and I walked hand in hand... Flashback to wandering with Anna.

The Frozen World: He wants to be the last survivor.

The Fly: I think of "you" as Anna.

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning: The scenery of the end of the world.

Village of the Doomed: For Ruhenheim.

Requiem (Reprise): And goodbye.

monster:johan, !fanmix, !monster:johan

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