Feb 13, 2007 23:35
If you've found your way here, then I suppose I should give you a bit of a head's up. You all ready know me from my other lj, but just in case...
I'm a witch/psychic and that's what this lj is about. If you want to know what I mean, go back to the beginning and read, comments also because that's where it gets interesting. I don't post here often and yes, it's open to the world at large because one never knows who might be searching for answers and find them here.
You can call me crazy, no problem. People who actually lived with me have, I don't mind. I'm different and damn proud of it.
There's nothing here but the weirder shit that happened in my life and mind...so if you've figured out who I am, maybe that's incentive enough to read on OR run like hell the other way. If you stay I guarantee some thought-provoking posts are behind this one, no matter what you believe is true .
Have fun, leave a comment. Come out of the closet and post for once. You know who you are...and so do I.