Title: Plate
Pairing: Iker Casillas/David Villa
Characters: Cameos from Andres Iniesta, Victor Valdes
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Nothing written here is true at all.
Summary: David makes a perhaps slightly unsettling observation.
David says, one day, unexpectedly:
“Iker would make a perfect plate.”
The unfortunate teammate with whom he was speaking, Andres, gives him a look of quiet dismay.
“You know,” David says hastily, attempting amends for the abrupt strangeness. “Because he’s so perfectly shaped. And pale.”
Andres looks at him in consternation. “I…yes, he would.”
David laughs, nervous. “I’m not like…you know, tío…it’s cool. ?” (The last question mark indicating a tone of nervous prodding: it is cool, right? We’re cool? I’m not weird, I swear.)
“Victor,” Andres calls. “Victor-”
“Shit,” Villa mutters to himself.
Seconds later, Victor:
“A plate…??”
Title: Jam
Pairing: Iker Casillas/David Villa
Characters: Cameo from a jam sandwich
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Nothing written here is true at all.
Summary: David has issues with Iker and jam.
David usually credits himself with being a pretty focused-on-what-he’s-doing person (at least when what he’s doing is related to football), but all it takes to change that is a drop of jam from Iker’s sandwich.
David watches, utterly distracted, as the bright red blob makes its escape from between the white sandwich bread and tumbles onto the equally white skin of the keeper.
Iker munches on, oblivious. David continues to stare as his mind frantically files the image away for…later use.
“You’ve got something,” David says, tone casual, indicating.
“Oh, oops,” Iker smiles. He wipes the wrong side. Of course.
Title: Food
Pairing: Iker Casillas/David Villa
Characters: Cameo from Cesc Fabregas
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Nothing written here is true at all.
Summary: David continues to have food on Iker on the brain.
Jam. Jam, everywhere.
Maybe chocolate…
But his favourite food was pasta. Some pasta would look nice on there. Red tomato sauce smeared across pale skin.
And the skin less pale down there-
David’s eyes snap open and the vivid image of his dream dissipates.
What was wrong with him? He had never had much of a thing for food, whether on plates or on people.
Food had found a partner, though, now. Food had achieved synergy.
This Food was going to ruin him.
At breakfast Cesc spills his chocolate milk all down Iker’s front and David silently bewails his luck.