Title: Iker (Me siento seguro)
Pairing: Iker Casillas/David Villa
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Nothing written here is true at all.
Summary: Kind of based on the picture below the cut. David is with Iker after this Euro '12 win. For
sparksfly7, if you see this: hey! I wrote something! A very short something!
Iker is as solid as ever when he puts an arm around David, tugs him closer. David smiles too much - lets his hand slip, neck, shoulder, waist.
He loves everyone on this team for winning, playing, being who they are to him. Iker especially behaves towards him in the exact same way.
(Why not? David's absence has not been so prolonged as to warrant seismic shifts in relationships. But:)
There is always comfort, stability, with Iker. David feels like he is tethered to a secure ship; he cannot go wrong from here. Cannot get lost.
Iker is home.