(no subject)

May 19, 2003 00:08

I've noticed that I've been having a lot of typical stress dreams lately. Not that this is surprising, but it's interesting to see how predictable my brain can be.

The other night, I dreamed about writing something, either for work or for one of my classes, I can't remember which now. I remember thinking that, if I was going to work in my sleep, I should stop wasting time and wake up and write it for real.

Today I dreamed about nuclear war starting, presumably with North Korea (this is what I figured in the dream, but we didn't know because...well...there was a nuclear war going on). I saw something in the newspaper about a nuclear terrorist attack on some air force base (Lennon AFB, to be exact. I didn't know they named them after The Beatles :). I showed the article to koyote. Just then, there were two explosions, one to the east, and the other to the west (Travis AFB, which really exists. Don't know what the one to the east was - there used to be a base there, but it closed). We ducked and covered, and then, when it seemed that we were out of immediate danger, we ran and forced our way onto the jet that was waiting to leave (we were at some sort of air field when this all happened. I dreamed this just after taking koyote to the airport). We were the last people allowed on the plane.

We flew for a while, then landed in Grand Rapids (Michigan?) when we began having mechanical trouble (incidently, this portion of the dream involved the plane driving around on the ground in areas where planes do not normally go - streets and parking lots and so on. For some reason, this is a repetitive dream element for me). There was panic there, but the attacks had apparently been centered on the west coast because of the range of the missiles.

I called around on my cell phone to try to find out if people were ok. Andrew, the annoying twerp from Buffy, called to find out if I was alright, and I was annoyed with him for tying up the line. I thought about calling my dad, but decided to try my mom first, since she lives out in the middle of nowhere and was more likely to be alive.

My former roommate's mom answered, for some reason. No idea where that came from, except that I saw said roommate yesterday for the first time in quite a while. She said that it was awful there, strongly implying that everyone was dead. Then she started bitching about my mom, and wouldn't tell me what was going on. Then I woke up.

rosefox, I was mistaken. During this dream I was aware of being pregnant, and was basically at the same stage I'm at now.

I'm sure that this particular dream stems from my lifelong paranoia about nuclear war (seriously...two of the earliest dreams I remember involve what I now suspect was nuclear war, even though I didn't have a name for it at the time), which has led to a more immediate paranoia about DC getting nuked. This is one of my biggest fears about the move, though I realize it's somewhat silly.

Still, it wasn't a scary dream. It felt more like watching an action movie. In fact, watching the preview for the new Terminator movie was almost certainly a trigger for it - some of the airplane hanger imagery was similar.

I also dreamed about someone hacking into my computers. I have this dream every so often, though I haven't had it for a few years now, I think. The exact circumstances differ each time, but the actions of the hacker are always of the same type - basically taunting me, controlling my sessions, and preventing me from taking any action. In other words, more the type of thing you'd see in movies than in real life, which is odd, given that my dreams are generally pretty technically accurate.

I should keep a dream journal. I'm sure that the repetitive elements in these dreams tend to correlate with certain moods. In the case of the hacking dream, probably something about feeling out of control of my life.

subconscious, pregnant

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