(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 12:38

Insomnia sucks.

I should have been dead to the world after yesterday's pool party, but I think I got about 3 hours of sleep last night. Life events and/or my general inability to sleep while pregnant (I can be not stressed at all and lie there awake perfectly happy but unable to fall asleep), combined with Leif's restless sleeping due to a cold, kept me awake until 4AM or so, when I finally started to nod off.

Then the chainsaws started.

Don't ask me why chainsaws and what sounded like other tree-trimming/chopping equipment were running at 4AM on a Sunday morning.

Then soon after that was done, koyote started having an asthma attack.

Then Leif started his usual morning restlessness, which left my remaining sleep time interrupted and weird.

I'm debating whether to take him home in a bit and try to get him to nap. I may feel a bit less wonky afterwards, but will it interfere too much with either or both of our sleep tonight?

A few weeks ago the BNL song "Who Needs Sleep?" came up in my playlist and I started laughing hysterically.

The strange part is that, erratic behavior and wild mood swings aside, I actually deal much better with sleep deprivation now than I did before Leif came along.


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