(no subject)

Jun 03, 2006 13:11

This morning I was making tea for myself and Leif. I tossed in some turbanado sugar (the brown, less processed type - the same kind as you get from "Sugar In The Raw" packets). I tried a sip of Leif's, and it wasn't very sweet, so I put a few more spoonfulls in mine. It still wasn't really noticably sweeter.

Leif decided he didn't like the tea, so I made him some juice instead in the same cup. A few minutes later he spilled it, and some sort of weird grainy stuff spilled across the table along with the juice.

It seems the turbanado sugar was actually couscous or something. There was a nice big sludge of it at the bottom of my cup. Unfortunately, cooking it in tea didn't make it taste particularly good, or I'd have had a nice breakfast.

the baby ate my brain, food, caffeine

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