(no subject)

May 25, 2006 08:54

The other day, I received an anonymous comment very eloquently stating:

no one wants to see your tit, period.
even if you are feeding your child with it.

Now, experience leads me to believe that such a broad statement may not be entirely accurate. So, in interest of scientific inquiry, I have created a poll.

Poll Boob poll

* Creating this poll in no way implies that I will show you my tit(s), either online or in person. However, if you are around me and a small child who I am breastfeeding, it's likely to happen. Consider yourself warned.
* If you don't want to see my tit(s), don't respond. I won't be offended. I probably don't have a particular interest in seeing your tit(s) either, though I wouldn't be the least bit offended if I did see it/them because you were breastfeeding.

To update on the controversy - LJ/SixApart ruled that breastfeeding default icons are ok, as long as they do not show any nipple or areola. The cynical part of me sees this as a CYA move to avoid having to deal with all the non-breastfeeding icons out there that show the slightest hint of boob.

As of this morning, they are actively seeking out and warning/suspending users with default icons that show the slightest bit of areola, including paid users who have done nothing but contribute positively to the community (I don't know whether "they" is LJ Abuse, or independent users who are reporting the icons).

Frankly, in the beginning I was a little amused by the drama. As things continue, I'm getting more and more disgusted with LJ/SixApart's handling of the situation.

ETA: If LJ/SixApart's policy and/or actions bother you, please write to them and let them know! It would be great to get more complaints from people who can't just be blown off as Crazy Hormonal Militant Breastfeeding Wackos.

ETA2: I'm not in the least bit offended by the anonymous commenter or looking for validation or anything like that. I'm just amused. As far as I know, I know 2 people who live in FL (where the comment originated). One would presumably have stated their opinion much more eloquently (and I can't imagine it would match the opinion of the commenter), the other has every right to be a jerk to me, as I spent a lot of time being a jerk to him out of my own insecurities. But I seriously doubt it's anyone I actually know, and therefore their opinion is simply amusing.

poll, body, silly

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