(no subject)

Apr 06, 2004 00:09

I just did the big stupid computer user thing and didn't save the file I'd been working on all day. Why should I? My computer never crashes. This time it decided to go to sleep without warning when my power was low, and not wake back up again. Bah. Oh well, recreating shouldn't take nearly as much time as figuring out what I wanted to say originally.

I still feel like crying.

I weighed myself this weekend, and found I'd lost more than I expected. I'm now about 10 lbs above the high end of my ideal weight range. I guess that's what breastfeeding and carrying a 20lb weight everywhere you go does to you.

I realized just now that I've lost more than 50 pounds from my highest recorded weight during pregnancy. Woh. I knew I'd lost a lot, but I'd never actually thought about it in numbers before.

Of course, 20 of that was water/baby/etc. that was lost within a few weeks of birth, if not immediately. Still, that's a lot.

Midnight. I should go to bed instead of trying to recreate all my lost work. I'm already up way past my bedtime.

It occasionally bugs me that I have to be more careful about sleep now than I did when I was working. Last year I just would have hyperfocused for a few hours, gotten it all done, and sleepwalked through the next day or called in sick.

Now I can't do either, but I'll probably lie awake for too long with the words I would like to be writing running through my head. Bah.

sleep, geek, body, writer's block

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