(no subject)

Apr 04, 2004 17:23

I think I'm going to sew some diapers. Leif hates changes these days - I have to pin him down and wrestle him into the prefolds - so I'd like to move to fitted diapers that I can pull up and down, but they're so expensive to buy premade. Plus, I have a ton of random flannel lying around the house.

Why does the idea of sewing diapers intimidate me after sewing the baby carrier? It's not like it matters if they look good or not.

Speaking of baby carriers, I need to get some more fabric and make another. Adjusting the strap angle slightly should make a big difference in how comfortable and durable it is, and I can adjust the strap length to be a bit more manageable. I might consider doing a thicker waistband, with buckles, to support the weight better and be a bit more manageable.

I've had a lot of people say I should sell them, and I've seriously thought about it, but at this point in time I don't think it would be a good idea. I don't have the time or energy to be serious about something like that on top of everything else.

Leif is currently giving me a dental exam while nursing.

crafty, leif

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