May 23, 2008 12:46
Test driving a new layout. I don't know how I feel about it right now, but the chick got me. I'm a sucker for little animals. I might be going back to the old one. Hmm... I've only been with it for like 5 minutes and I'm already missing my old layout. Ah. Must force myself to try it out for a few days.. hours. Hah. Minutes are more like it right about now. Sigh. My patience is futile.
There's some odd smug on the computer screen here at work. I'm tempted to just wipe it off with my hand, but it looks a little nasty. It might just be from the glass cleaner we have here, but still, it's kind of weird looking! Must ignore.
New bands to be addicted to: The Kills and The Ting Tings. Go listen. I swear you'll like it :)
Soooo, Grey's Anatomy finale was yesterday. 2 full hours of GA. What to say, oh, what to say?! OMFG! I so called Rebecca/Ava cutting herself. When Alex walked out, I said to my sister, he left her alone with a knife. Seriously? Oh sigh. Here's a little of my opinion on what I saw:
You know good would come out of Meredith lying to Derek about doing the second surgery. It just had to happen. I know Shonda can be kind of cruel sometimes, but she just had to give Derek and Meredith a survivor. Killing 12 people just isn't cool. In the middle there, Derek was the one giving up and Meredith had to do the saving. It's nice to see a "fixed" Meredith as well. She's been broken for 4 seasons. It's time for a fix. And a "squee!" to the fact that they will be together. The whole candles as the layout of the house blew me away. I couldn't believe she did that. :) Go Mer! FINALLY it's right again.
My poor George-didn't-get-to-be-a-resident-because-of-one-stinkin'-point quickly changed to hooray he gets to take the test again. I think secretly he told Lexie all about it because he needed someone a little more crazy to look at those files. Lexie is the right girl to do it. She makes me laugh hysterically. She looks/acts like she's this cutie, but in all reality she's not. A future relationship of her and George? It's so coming. I have a feeling.
Poor Alex. He didn't want to see that something was wrong with Rebecca/Ava. And to find out that he did the same for his Mom. Hopefully we learn more about his past. And props to Izzie for doing what she does best. She's going to do well in the clinic because she seems to be in there all the time anyway. Oh sigh. I don't know what's going to happen between the two of them.
CALLIE/HAHN!?!? Holy cow. Kind of didn't see that coming. I thought it would be more Hahn than Callie. And Mark. What a trooper. He knew it and forced Callie to come clean, which is a good thing. Instead of her forcing herself to be something she isn't, she came clean to her real love, Hahn. I still can't get over it! Ah. This will be interesting.
It's like things are going somewhat back to normal. I say somewhat because there's that whole Alex thing, but more on that later. Overall a good episode and not rushed like the other finales I've watched this week.
Haven't watched the Ugly Betty finale yet. It's currently on a VHS sitting in my living room VCR. I'm not cool enough to have a DVR. Plus, with gas prices over $4, money needs to be spent on gas, not a DVR.
Well my hand feels like it's going to fall off and I'm due to finally eat my lunch. My priorities were all crazy today. I type before I eat. What was I thinking?! :)
ugly betty,
grey's anatomy