Oct 20, 2009 23:10
Laptop age.. almost 2 years (well in January). Keyboard status.. one look at it and that might just cause you to go "Ange, wth are you doing when you type?" A bad side effect of typing with long nails..? The paint is just peeling away. The letters e, o, s, d, k, l, c, n, and m, accompanied by the period have decided that remaining on the keyboard was just not a good thing to do. They all decided to go invisible and never return. Sigh.. my keyboard has been overused or maybe I just need to hack my nails off. I know one person who would love that.
Saturday. UMDxc history made. Women's team brought home the largest trophy that I have ever been in contact with. Ah yes, amazing. Totally amazing. And I PR-ed in the 5k. I think I got 24:40ish. Not sure. Official results have never been released which perturbs me, but I can deal.
School just has been taking a dive into the crapper. Honestly, I love my classes, don't get me wrong, but I'm so bored and unmotivated. I still have the drive, but I would much rather sit on my butt or hang out with Josh before rolling over to class. It's just become such a chore instead of going in and enjoying what I do. Driving there sucks. Parking there sucks. Before I get there I'm in such a crummy mood. I head to class and it just drags. Great. More crumminess. Gah. Graduation is so close. I feel like I have a bad case of senioritis again. Fail. This was supposed to be gone 3 years ago. I guess it's one of those dormant diseases that just pop up when you know it will.
I am freaking excited for this weekend. I've never been to Wisconsin, where the cows go (apparently they like California, but cows belong in WI!). So this will be quite an adventure.
Ugh.. wrist is going haywire again. Must take a break. Updates later.
cross country