Apr 06, 2008 12:24

Well, I just got a notice from jobiegirl6 alerting me that I have been missing from LJ for a week, so I figure I better write up a post.

Trip, work, trip work, sleep, work, trip. That has been my life here recently. And since I love to travel more than anything else, I can't complain.

I'm doing a poor job on adding all of the wonderful revisions that hollydb, elizabuffy and goodtoast have worked on for A Toast to Pandora. And just when I was ready to sit down and get busy, I got a new fic idea!! *squee* Now I just need to sit down and work on that.

My baby niece is coming over after her nap to play. My sister-in-law has gone back to school and I will sometimes watch Kacey for a few hours so that Heather can go to a study group and prepare for a test.

I really need to go clean house a little before I start playing with my baby. My room looks like a disaster zone (though not as bad as hollydb's which really is a disaster zone. My bathroom is kindy gunky too.

Anyway, I am alive and will hopefully have a more interesting post in the near furture!! Hope everybody else is doing well!!

my dysfunctional family, random kimmie

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