...I'm back!
Yeah, I know, it has been EONS since I last poster here - actually, my last post was CHRISTMAS LAST YEAR, but it seems so much longer...I blame it on Real Life, but also?
People have been migrating there, so very few had been posting/commenting here, and then *I* did the same. I got sucked into twitter-land. It's so easy to access and keep up with, it's at my thumb's reach in my blackberry, it has quick information, pretty much everyone who comments on my LJ here are also THERE...not to mention the fake impression that following celebrities on twitter makes them closer to us - but the other day? Jon Favreau DMed ME! XD
But back to the subject at hand: for everything mentioned beforehand, I eventually stopped posting at LJ. I also got lazy, and that sure didn't help. ;) I do miss it though. We can be more comprehensive here. We don't have to worry about spoilers because of lj-cut.
The problem is, I've been SO LONG away from LJ, that I have WAY too many updates in RL, in fandom life, et cetera, to post! I've been dreading to write a "catch up" post for months.
Yeah, I know, I could've just gave up and DON'T post it. But hey, my OCDness doesn't allow me to. :)
So, what happened to me in this the first semester of 2010?
Real-Life: I finally, FINALLY finished my second (and last) medical residence. Now I'm an Infectious Diseases MD! :)
I didn't totally left the university, though, as I started collecting data and doing bibliography research for later this year (or next) qualifying for a Master's Degree. Because I need time for that, I've been working half period almost all weekdays, by choice, but I increased my weekend shifts so I wouldn't lose money.
I also moved out of my old neighborhood, though still not to an apartment of my own only - still living with my mom, and that frustrates me. I've been saving money, but real estate prices keep getting bigger quicker than I am able to save money to buy anything. *sigh*
2) TV shows (possible SPOILERS under the cut!):
TBBT remains the single comedy show that every week manages to delivr a fun packed episode. Love it to tiny bit pieces, especially both Sheldon and Raj. Leonard is annoying me, Howard is annoying me less and less, and I can't WAIT to see this season's last episode! ;)
I still don't know WHY I keep watching HIMYM. Sure, Barney is AWESOME and Lily is BACK, but really, I rarely laugh with the show anymore. Ted is getting more annoying each episode. Heck, even MARSHAL whom I adore and identify with has been getting on my nerves. Could we just. get. to. the. mother. already??
Chuck S3 has been fun and entertaining. Not only that, but the show has had it's great moments and "new couples", like Casey and Morgan! ;)
Heck, I even endured through the Kristin Kreuk episodes - I HATE LANA! - and laughed about the Man of Steel joke, but it's the kind of show that I completely forget what happens in the episode the moment it ends.
Sure, Chuck as a spy is GOOD. Chuck/Sarah? GREAT! But it's not on a OMGWTFCAN'TWAITFORNEXTWEEKSEPISODE kinda show, you know?
Nathan Fillion is the SWEETEST! I love him, I love his references to various other nerd stuff I love, I love him with Esposito and Ryan. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIM with his daughter. And I love him with Beckett.
It's a silly procedural show where you know who is the bad guy right at the very beginning of its episodes, but I watch it for the character development and interaction, because I just love it. ;)
OMGlee! The back 9 have been surprising - the Madonna episode and a couple of other episodes were great, but I have to say two three things:
1. I'm starting to feel embarassed for them in a few songs, like they are really pushing them into song without so much of an excuse for it
2. The last episode, with Cheno? BORING. Hated the songs. Liked Kurt and Finn's storyline to tiny bits (both are favorite characters of mine) but the songs were gratting.
Ok, now that I've said the bad things, here goes the good things!
A) I knew Rachel and Finn wouldn't simply be together forever, and I liked how they handled both characters so far. Especially in the last episode when Finn threw in Rachel's face the same accusation she had thrown him in an earlier episode: "you care more about your reputation than me/us". Can't wait to see how this will evolve.
B) Jesse. I don't know if I should hate his guts or not, because he seemed to be playing Rachel, but now I don't know anymore. Anyways, it's a great character. :)
C) KURT. Oh, Kurt. Some weeks you do despicable things, other weeks you don't, and even though it backfired on you, I'm totally a Mr.Hummel/Mrs.Hudson shipper. :P
D) Sue Sylvester remains, well, Sue, and I love her character for that.
E) MADONNA. Need I say more? That episode was awesome!
F) Episode 17 - Bad Reputation. Totally felt like a guilt trip, with all those allegedly bad 80s and 90s songs that I can't help but sorta love and sing along. :P
I do worry about it, though! I don't know how long they can keep the series going at a good pace.
Silly, silly show that I love with silly characters whom the writers love to mess up with and make us suffer because of it. I'm sad it didn't get a third season, and hope we DO get to see the definite solution to Richard/Khalan's problem onscreen, but in case we don't? I bought the book. :)
3) New fandoms: yeah, like I didn't need new obsessions, I got new ones! Especially ONE, and it's all
rjann's fault, so, he can't complain and have to endure through my obsession! ;P
OMG JASON ACKLES IS SO SO SO HOT! Not that THAT was new to me - I've got my eye on him since Dark Angel - and he was one of the few highlights in Smallville. And I'm 100% SURE that Lana lied to Clark in Season 5 when she said she was a virgin after living ONE WHOLE YEAR with Jason Teague (Ackles). COME ON!
Anyways, that only one of the reasons I started watching Supernatural! XD
As I said, my boyfriend
rjann is a huge SPN fan, and started nagging me to watch it. I don't like horror shows in general, but his nagging, plus Jason, plus the fact that what he told me sounded suspiciously like "Good Omens" and I wanted to be sure of it, I finally started watching it last month.
And I was HOOKED! Saw 5 seasons in two weeks, and now I'm suffering because I have to wait for the last few episodes.
There is just too much for me to say about it here (and this post is already HUGE) so I will finish (for now) just naming my favorite characters, in no particular order: Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Jo, and Gabriel.
I needed a new sci-fi show since BSG got cancelled, and got curious about V. Despite the fact that I find it amusing to see actors from Party of Five, Firefly, Lost, Smallville, 24, Stargate and Supernatural in it, and the first half a dozen episodes that I kinda liked, the past few have been bothering me. They made decisions and turns in the series that I don't know if will work in the long haul.
I saw the film - and drooled the two scenes we got with Sean Bean - and I got curions. So, I bought the first book and read it in like 3 days.
The movie is definitely a very VERY poor adaptation of the book, which is better, however I still prefer Harry Potter. Or Eragon. Which isn't to say I won't read the rest of the series - I will because I'm hopeless when it comes to sci-fi/fantasy, but, you know, just wanted to point that out. The Greek Mithology under it is certainly one of its highlight points.
Also, funny thing I discovered on imdb.com: both Sean Bean (Zeus) and Kevin McKidd (Poseidon) have played Anna Karenina's Count Vronski in the past. The first in film and the second in a minisseries. Fitting to have them portraying brothers in Percy Jackson, huh? ;)
Ok, I reeeeeally gotta go now, I've rambled long enough. See you all later - hopefully not as late as this post when compared to the last one! ;)