Yeah, I know I've been away. Again, because of work, but that's just not all. After almost two years (I guess) complaining about twitter, I finally succumbed to its Dark Side a few months ago, and since it's WAY easier to update there - even more so with my BlackBerry 8350i from Nextel - I gradually stopped posting here. :( And since I rarely turn on my computer anymore - only once a week to *ahem* download and watch my TV shows - I haven't been to LJ as I used to.
However, I haven't completely forgotten about LJ! I'm just hoping that when Februrary comes, and my second and LAST medical residence ends, I will have more time to spend here. :) I think I'll probably have to trim my f-list a bit as well - I haven't read everybody in AGES, and over the course of the years I lost contact and common interests with lots of people - and COMMUNITIES - on my LJ, so, perhaps if I cut it down to a more managable size, it will be easier for me to read and keep up with LJ. So, if you still want to keep up with me and my ramblings, LET ME KNOW through a comment! :)
Anyway, moving on from such a glum subject, to happier ones!
First, tv shows! Spoiler-free reviews for the 2009-2010 seasons' first halves!
Legend of the Seeker continues to be a cracktastic previsible addictive show! Still love Richard, and Kallan, and them both together - all their UST makes me even more attached to the show, and I can't wait to see them FINALLY finding a loophole that will allow them to be together, sexually speaking! ;) I'm actually considering buying the books that inspired the series - though I've read that the last ones are not all that great.
Castle - Oh, Nathan Fillion, how I heart you so! I couldn't care less about the murders they investigate, it's all about Castle, his ADORABLE family - especially his brilliant daughter - Beckett and the other detectives interactions. Love them to tiny bits.
HIMYM: although the last episode was certainly dissapointing - probably because I LOATHE cigarrettes - I've been enjoying this season, especially Lily and Marshall. And Barney is always, you know, AWESOME and LEGEN-waitforit-DARY! They got to improve the way they're handling Robin, though.
Big Bang Theory is probably my favorite show monday night. Love them all - even Leonard who has been kinda annoying lately - but love them. Especially Sheldon (duh!) and Raj. The fact that I discovered Kunal on twitter has nothing to do with my love for Raj - I already loved him before - but it has certainly helped it. Also, I had to agree with Kunal regarding a certain Award nominations - how can they RESIST THE PARSON? XD In the shipper areas, I'm hooting for Howard and Bernadette - though Howard and Raj surely seem like an old married couple - and Leonard/Penny annoys me. I think I'm slowly falling to the Sheldon/Penny side, but I still can't totally see them as canon.
Though a certain boob-touching episode certainly did wonders to make it more likely to happen! XD
As for Glee...OH, SHOW, I HEART YOU SO!
There is NO WAY I can discuss this without a cut, because all my gush has to do with spoilers! First, Terri and Quinn FINALLY got busted! Then, Will and Emma finally kissed.
But in the middle, and most importantly, the kids went to sectionals and WON! I LOVED their performances at sectionals, and their "welcome back" to mister Shue, a mash up of performances they did over the first 13 episodes! Loved it! Nevertheless, I can't wait for them to return, because I NEED MY FINN/RACHEL to happen!!!! :D
I have to say, though, that along all those episodes, even though I started hating Quinn, I progressively started to like her more and more, and she won me over when she told Sue she would rather stay in Glee Club. So, I'm hooting for her and Puck finally coming together nicely - as in, with him not betraying her with other girls. :)
Oh, before I go - my boyfriend wants to kill me because I'm late for Christmas Eve Supper at his home - let me say what I came in here to say in the first place!
First, thanks
alphabet26 for the Holiday Coupon!! :D I will ensure to finally sit and write a certain Angelina fic I've been meaning to write since Book 7 came out to properly thank you! ;)
Will come back later to gush about the symphony concert I went to last sunday in tribute to JOHN WILLIAMS with ET, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, SW and SUPERMAN (as a surprise in the very end) songs. Bye!