First Post of the Year

Jan 30, 2008 22:20

Hi! No, I'm not dead - yet, because I've been trying really hard to end up dead, what with working 48h straight on weekends...*sigh*

I've sat in front of this computer for a quite a few times this past weeks, but didn't have any disposition to write anything, because the beginning of the year was quite controversial to me, since some great things happened but also some terrible things.

I lost a dear patient right in the first few days of the year. He had an advanced disease, and in the last six months I was trying to find him a better treatment, but it was already too late at that time and I didn't want to admit - heck, even today the treatment that might have improved his health is unavailable here in Brazil. But even so...he was a good guy, his wife is a great woman who spent the last ten years fighting alongside him, but in the end he died leaving two teenage girls. It was tought to me because I was at his side for his last 24-30 hours. He was in pain for the last two days of his life, one not responsive to any medicine or medical procedures I could do, and in the end I had to entubate him and take him to neurosurgery - I was not the one performing the surgery, though. It was no use though - later that same day he had brain death.

Another couple of unpleasant things also happened. One involves a coworker at the hospital I've been working for the past four months. She is enduring some pretty hard time because her boyfriend was shot in the spine while some robbers stole his car, and he's paraplegic now. It was at RJ TV (for the non-Brazillians, that's our city's tv news) about two weeks ago. Poor girl can't concentrate on work. And, more recently, dabih's father is going through a tough phase right now - but it will all work out fine in the end, I hope! Hang in there, Jess, and if you need, just call me!

However, I can't deny that my life has been good - and I feel guilty for being so blessed when people are having so much pain to endure.

I'm fine, despite all the work, because I'm happy, I'm doing what I like, I feel I'm actually doing SOMETHING to improve at least some people's life. Some parts that needed tuning in my personality are better - although not perfect. I lost some weight - or so people tell me - and I'm healthy - until I do any blood tests and find out my cholesterol is too high, I'm sure! ;) My father-in-law is handling the hemodyalisis better, and things are good with him. And all my hard work was finally rewarded! I sold my old car and bought a new one this week! :D

AND possibly the best part about this beginning of the year is that my sister is moving out! :D

My sister and her boyfriend rented an apartment and she will be moving out in two weeks! No more fights with her whenever we are both home! Although I have to admit recently we rarely met - again, much work - and she has been treating me better since she started dating. Perhaps because her boyfriend is a nerd like me and she can't complain anymore! ;)

I do have to admit, though, that deep down I'm sad. No, I don't think it's because I will miss her - we were never that close (sad, isn't it?) - but because she is younger than me and already moving out our house to move in with her boyfriend. Granted, I made different choices. I want to BUY an apartment, not rent one, but even so...and the possibility that I might be stuck at home with my mom - who has her own problems and since she won't admit and resolve them, she is quite emotional dependent on us - is frightening. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but she still treats me like a baby when I'm a succesful working woman with my own ideas and personality. THAT, obviously, is an explosive combination.

Ok, I think I talked WAY to much about my life right now! I've been very thoughtful about it, and I if I already talk too much when I'm not fully thinking, imagine when I AM thinking?! :P Sorry...

Anyway, about totally superfluous things now, before I cut my wrists! ;P

Since I finished SG-1 S8, I started watching SGA S1, and when I finished it, I'been going through SGA S2 and SG-1 S9 back and forth.

SGA has a beautiful set, an interesting enemy but the quite empty. Nothing in its first season drew my attention or giddiness. Expect, perhaps, McKay.

The First Season Finale, though, finally had me hooked up. Alternate!Old!Elizabeth was endearing, and beginning with that episode I was more interested in the show, although not totally sold. However, Dedalus arriving to save the day with SKINNER in charge went a long way in achiving that! The special effects of the battle above Atlantis were awesome, and so beautiful! And Ford finally got interesting by going AWAY a a rogue!

McKay is definitely my favorite characater so far. It's astonishing how sometimes he fells incredible like, well, me. He thinks he is the best at his work, although that is just a compensation for failing in his personal life, not to mention all his boasts are all to mascarade his insecurity. He makes fun of himself so that people will like him more! THAT'S SO ME! I like him, he is intelligent, imperfect, funny, and has THE BEST FACES EVER!! OH, I LOVE McKay and Zelenka working together! Geniuses at work! :D And I have a soft spot for doctos, so, I like Beckett.

As for SGA season two, just three things:

1) McKay is even funnier this season! In the first episode, when he points a gun at some enemy and the bullets fall off...and in DUET! OMG, LOVED that episode! Laura in McKay's head, hitting on Beckett while trying to help McKay with his girlfriend and sometimes trying to take over his body...and he end! The kiss between Laura/McKay and Beckett! LOVED IT! HILARIOUS! I laughed so much at the tv that my maid must have thought I had lost my marbles! ;)

2) Ronon. Ok, he is pretty, although not the kind of pretty that I usually like, but the first moment he appeard? BAM! I liked the character.

3) Season two opening credits ARE. SO. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Now, about's DEFINITELY NOT Stargate - I miss Hammond and Jack...and Sam and Daniel because, hello, they are not really them, but...OMG! CRICHTON AND AERYN! Ok, granted, Vala has nothing to do with Aeryn, so the giddiness over seeing "Aeryn" on the show passed quickly, but Cameron? I only refer to him as Crichton! XD He makes jokes, just like Crichton! He makes quirky and intelligent remarks, just like Crichton! "SG-1 is not just two letters and a number!"

My head nearly exploded with two Farscape inside jokes - well, I think they are inside jokes, anyway... When Vala says she doesn't know him because she otherwise would remember him and then later, when she says she is pregnant and the baby is probably Daniel's but she could be wrong and she looks and BLINKS at Cameron! LOVED IT!

But apart from that, very little interaction between them both, and no UST. But with Vala throwing herself in any male's lap so easily, well, it's impossible to imagine ANY UNRESOLVED sexual tensual between her character and any other character - yes, even Daniel. Which reminds me, Vala's joke about Daniel being part of the Stargate program just to meet women...DANIEL, YOU DOG! XD

One quick question I know everyone, their aunts and dogs have asked before me - Jack and Sam are together, right? She told Cameron she wasn't a member of SG-1 anymore for a reason...Jack going to Colorado for reasons not totally explained....OMG THEY ARE TOGETHER!

Another quick question: Daniel has been trying for over a season to go to Atlantis, so...why didn't he go after SG-1 was cancelled when season 10 ended?

As for the Ori...booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring.

farscape, life, sg-1, sga, work

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