Green Room - Week 4 - Day 13

Mar 31, 2022 09:31

The poll closes tonight -

So if you haven't already done so, now is the time to actually get out and do it!


I finally finished a freelance article that I was writing, and my usual editor/beta reader wasn't available. So I asked my wife to help.

Nothing properly humbles you about your ability to write quite like someone with a natural gift for grammar getting angry about how lazy your sentence structure is in a specific paragraph! :D

She's just so good at it that it always surprises her when someone else isn't up to that level! :)

In her defense, she was completely right (of course), it WAS just thrown together and that paragraph was one that I had changed several times, but still had bits and pieces from all the different versions so when *I* read it, I saw what it should be. But that's not what was on the screen! Revising has always been a challenge area for me.

What techniques do YOU have to proof your own work? Or do you bring in another set of eyes? What are some areas of writing that you struggle with?

3 strikes, day 13, green room, week 4

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