Vote - Week 4

Mar 26, 2022 17:11

It’s time to click on some boxes! But before you get to that, I’m going to say a few words that you will ignore.

Yes. I can see you. You are eyeing those check boxes and wanting to click on them… but stop for a moment. Yes. I’m talking to you. Don’t look at me like that. Just wait for a moment. I’ll make it brief.

This is already working out to be a very unusual mini season. I can’t imagine what that is going to mean in the coming weeks and months. So thank you to everyone who is sticking with it, and especially to those coming in to read some really great writing.

I hope that everyone is taking the time to read, comment and vote for your favorites! And when you are done with that - check out some other people you might not have read before. You might find a NEW favorite to add to your list. That’s kind of the point of all of this. Well, that and clicking on boxes.

Before we get to that though - there is a matter of saying goodbye to a few people who struck out this week by missing the deadline. Goodbye to fading_light, I_love_freddie, Kotenok_angel, Minikin and Veritas_st

I hope you stick around to play the Home Game, and to cheer on your own favorites!

As for everyone else, the poll closes Thursday March 31st at 8pm ET. The two with the fewest votes will be receiving strikes.

Good luck to everyone! NOW you can start clicking those check boxes!! :)

Poll LJ Idol, 3 Strikes, Week 4

voting, 3 strikes, week 4

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