Hey ya'll! Back again and with so much spackle in my mouth it feels like a really bad episode of Fixer Upper. You know, where Chip gets into the bondo and decides, all Mr. Bean style, he's going to toss a stick of dynamite into the bucket and fix all the holes! *KABLOOIE*
Agenda, agenda, what's on the agenda... oh yeah! We have a topic posted here:
https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1178690.html Gary'd suggested avoiding the main page, and after about 10 seconds looking at it, myself, I was like solidly in agreement! My hope was to try and keep things lighthearted in our tiny bubble, because outside of it, sometimes the world seems quite mad!
Way back in the way way back, Brad Fitzpatrick, creator of LJ, and I met through other circumstances. We've been good friends ever since. I'd shared what information I was able to suss out with Gary here:
Truthfully, there have been so many iterations of the rumor that LJ was shutting down or that LJ would get bought out and absorbed by another company (either keeping it around with inconvenience to its members, or just nixing the whole thing all-together, in lieu of whatever the buy-out's product was). The US government, along with other global partners, might put the squeeze on Russian based commerce, but because of LJ's model (the way it makes money), neither thinks it'll be permanent.
With all that said, I was wondering if continuing on the some of the writing resources I've gathered over the years would be something ya'll are interested in? =) If there's anything I can do for you where your submissions are concerned, I'm happy to help! If neither tickle your fancy (and I understand, trust me!), feel free to just chill out here with us! Just give me a little poke if there's something you need!