I've always been a fan of the write-offs. I know they are brutal for some, though. Or they never *coughcough* stop and that's not really a tenable situation. Curious to see how 3 strikes works out as a mini-season!
Especially when it comes to general vs. player only voting....
So, as we progress, if two folks have 2 strikes and they tie in a week near the bottom, is there a run-off then?
So, no, it would be a strike. :( One more reason for people to want to avoid a tie.
I guess it remains to be seen whether this is more or less evil than the sudden-death run-offs.
I'll admit to liking the Sudden Death run-offs for the extra drama! :D But I can see why people don't like writing an extra entry in a 24-hour period.
Especially when it comes to general vs. player only voting....
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