Green Room - Week 27 - Day 2

Jul 15, 2020 09:37

It's the first full day of our Top 9

Which means that the new Topic is up:

and so is the new Work Room:

How are you feeling?

I'm actually doing pretty well. I got some GREAT feedback from the Gatekeepers. Everyone seems to love what we are doing here in this corner of the internet!

Everyone in my life that I care about who was exposed to someone with COVID-19 has been symptom free and their 14 days is almost up! (which means I'll get to see my bonus daughter again! She's been in lock down.) The people I don't know/care about who did test positive are all recovering, including the one who was in the hospital. So it's good news all around.

Except for no Survivor this Fall... BUT it's been announced that we are finally getting that season of The Amazing Race that was filmed almost 2 years ago! They were going to be put it on in the Spring but held onto it instead, so now at least we have "new" programming! Speaking of TAR and new programming - has anyone watched Phil's new show "Tough as Nails?" I haven't yet, but I've been hearing good things.


These results would normally be sent to the CDC, but because they want to control the data coming out, all results will now be sent directly to the US government.

week 27, green room, season 11, day 02

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