Green Room - Week 32 - Day 2

Sep 19, 2017 11:40

I was going to post this last week, but the hurricane pretty much took everything else off my radar.


We have a really big and exciting release from a fan favorite Idoler oneonthefenceThis is her TRUE STORY of everything she has been dealing with over the years. We've gotten pieces of it in Idol entries, but this is the first time when it's all in print ( Read more... )

green room, week 32, season 10, day 02

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Comments 7

murielle September 19 2017, 16:00:17 UTC
I remember reading about Starlight Boy! Congratulations on the publication of your book!

As to what I have been up be continued.


xo_kizzy_xo September 19 2017, 16:18:37 UTC
:watching Jose heading this way:

We're getting the outermost vestiges of it at the moment.
More cool clammy humid mist/fog than anything else. The Cape and Islands always get slammed whenever something comes up the coast.

I just heard that Maria hit both Guadelupe and Martinique. Guadelupe was where they airlifted people who'd been hospitalized on the islands hit by Irma. They're showing the damage sustained on Dominica on the news right now.

I. Have. No. Words.


murielle September 19 2017, 16:26:09 UTC
I saw headlines after the eclipse that went something like extreme weather to be expected after eclipse. Didn't read the article, don't recall where I saw it, but enough already!

Be safe, hon.


messygorgeous September 19 2017, 16:54:24 UTC
I am SO DONE with hurricane season. Even in North Georgia, half our town didn't have electricity for six days after Irma! My kids were out of school because of it all last week.

My heart breaks for the Caribbean, and all this makes me want to start collecting canned goods as the weather becomes more unstable. It's just crazy.


adoptedwriter September 19 2017, 22:30:12 UTC
Working all the damn time, but I am reading SHATTERED now. It's good. I am slow. No time.


anonymous September 20 2017, 01:57:19 UTC
I am really at a loss for what is going on in our world lately. Tonight I stood in my office and held our library janitor as she cried because she had just seen videos all over social media of earthquakes destroying her hometown in Mexico. In broken English, she told me tearfully that she was so scared for her friends and family and so sad for all the children that had experienced this today because 30 years ago TODAY, September 19, when she was 12, the town was also rocked with an earthquake - seismos - and she remembers how very frightened she was.

I have no words. I feel battered and fearful.


halfshellvenus September 26 2017, 20:46:55 UTC
I don't remember typical amnesia being one of her problems, but there have been so many recent medical scares and she's had to fight through so much that I jump at any sign she's doing well.

Such an amazing writer, AND an amazing person. Kudos to her!


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