Green Room - Week 32 - Day 2

Sep 19, 2017 11:40

I was going to post this last week, but the hurricane pretty much took everything else off my radar.


We have a really big and exciting release from a fan favorite Idoler oneonthefence!

This is her TRUE STORY of everything she has been dealing with over the years. We've gotten pieces of it in Idol entries, but this is the first time when it's all in print!

"A.E. Hayes wakes up in a bright hospital room on the afternoon of August 24, 2010, with no idea of who she is or what has happened to her. When her doctors begin saying words such as "traumatic brain injury" and "retrograde amnesia," she realizes that she cannot remember anything at all - including the man sitting beside her who claims to be her husband.

Guided by numerous doctors, hospitals, trauma units, her husband, a mysterious person known only as Starlight Boy, and an equally mysterious voice inside her head that tells her to seek the truth, Hayes sets out to uncover the answers about her rare condition. But is her amnesia truly all there is to her story? Through various sources, Hayes must learn about her startling and often traumatic past - and how that past may permanently alter the future.

Raw and riveting, Shattered: Memoirs of an Amnesiac leads readers down a path of darkness, mystery, and redemption - where heroes are often villains, fiction routinely gives way to fact, and how, ultimately, the truth can be both the disease and the cure."

Get it on Kindle:
or in Paperback:

If you use those links, you'll be helping LJ Idol. (apparently they are phasing out the Store feature)


and a reminder, there are entries due in a couple days for our finalists


What have YOU been up to lately?

green room, week 32, season 10, day 02

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