therealkaichan Jul 16, 2010 11:32
rage awakened!!, all aboard the failboat, trabajo, kai whips people that feel unwhipped, kai sue attacks, i'm my own fandom, ranting, capslock, stop wtf time, ceiling kai is watching you suck, kai really likes tags, basheo, complaincomplain, soy una anormal, irl, moodyness, estudios, stuff nobody cares about
therealkaichan Mar 26, 2010 12:44
santa iglesia del nomurismo, rage awakened!!, all aboard the failboat, ahoy piracy!, gaming, i'm my own fandom, ranting, credit card is the bane of my existence, ffxiii, ceiling kai is watching you suck, kai really likes tags, basheo, complaincomplain, irl, estudios, stuff nobody cares about