I actually got some stuff accomplished around the house yesterday. (Of course, I was assisted in this by the fact that the DSL was doing its usual Saturday wonk and refused to work.) Tons of laundry was folded while I was watching the Angel ep my- Ashy's- *our*
swmbo sent me - the one featuring Harmony that I conveniently forgot to tape. It was much goodness; I love Harmony! I also cleaned out the hall closet that J's been nagging about for ages. Sometimes I think he should be the woman. He does way more nagging than I could ever dream of doing. Do you know there are 7 umbrellas in that closet? 7. That doesn't include the umbrellas that are in both our cars and at work. Sad, that.
He left a little after 4 to go to Chattanooga for a business trippy thing. Wheee! I love having alone time. Unfortunately I still have to work while he's gone, but at least I'll have an office to use. His! Mwa-haha!!