I know that it has been a while

Jan 04, 2010 19:13

I have had many things to say, but little time to say them. At least, I find that I don't allow myself the time to sit down and digest all of my feelings much these days. Parenthood has a way of taking over. So, for those of you who I know and love, here is an update on the Linz...

For the first 6 weeks or so of Maya's life, I was a basketcase!! I suppose this is somewhat inevitable for first time parents, especially moms. Is she getting enough to eat? Should I wake her up now? Is she asleep enough that I can put her down and she won't wake up? I was seriously shocked that they send you home from the hospital without some sort of exit exam or how to manual. Then, the next 4 weeks were really challenging. As she started to wake up to the world, but still not be able to handle all those sensory inputs she was receiving, it was a struggle day to day to keep going with the same old routine without too much feedback from her. But, after she was 10 weeks old, man did things start to get a lot better. And by 3 months old, it was downright fun. Sure, we have our struggles and our rough days, but more often than not, she's happy, sleeping well, eating well enough (this is usually our challenging arena), and it's awesome to play with her and get her to laugh and smile.

My mom has been such an awesome support - Maya and I escape up to her house regularly (since I haven't been working and Mike is STILL working on finishing her room). It really helped with the loneliness and isolation that I felt in the beginning. Now, I get to turn my focus on going back to work, which is actually a good thing, as I think it will be good for me to have a bit of a balance in my life. I was not born to be a stay at home mom. I found a nanny that seems to kick ass, and I'm looking forward to some time to regain a bit of my identity outside of mommydom.

It's such a life altering event, having a baby. And it happens so fast! One day, you are uncomfortably pregnant, the next, you are a parent. There is no explaining it to those who haven't made the journey yet, and I knew that when I was pregnant, there was really no way to mentally prepare. It has been a rough road for me, these past 4 months, but I am emerging into a real happiness with my family. I can't wait for all the fun stuff to come, because while babies may be cute, I don't think it's the age for me. Once they can walk and talk and do more stuff, that seems to me to be when the real fun starts. Even though we won't have reached those milestones yet this summer, I'm looking forward to having some fun camping trips and even a music festival with Maya. Gotta start her young!
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