May 06, 2009 21:11
seriously. my husband has these moments more often than i do, and i hear him say to things "stop fucking with me!" and i tend to laugh (internally of course, never out loud) and think that he just needs to chill out and go with the flow. but, every once in a while, i get what he means. everything since about 7pm this evening has just been fucking with me. there is no better way to put it. even as i sat down to right this, i stepped on a tiny little thorn on the floor that stuck in my foot and hurt like a bitch. i tell ya, things are fucking with me.
so, i'm really here to vent. i apologize in advance that this will not seem like a happy cheery post, and please don't take it as though i am not a happy cheery pregnant lady. things have been so much better in the past 1.5 months than they were in jan and feb. i am truly expanding these days - i think i can actually feel myself expanding sometimes. i do get actual growing pains on the sides of my belly. but, they are very tolerable, so i'm not complaining. school has just a short 1.5 weeks left, then finals, and here is where the venting needs to happen....
i consider myself a fairly empathetic teacher. i try very hard to understand where students are coming from, and i quite clearly remember being there myself. however, i also know that giving students what they want is not necessarily in their best interest, and similar to parenting, there are some things you have to pretty much force them through in order for them to actually learn what you are supposed to be teaching them. they may whine and complain, but generally, when they get through it at the least the good ones recognize that it was worth the effort and maybe they even thank you for your efforts to get them there. these are not the students about which i now complain. instead, i am truly sick and tired right now of the students who have waited until now, until 15.5 weeks into a 17 week semester to get their asses in gear and as a result, are SUPER demanding on my time, energy, and most of all my patience. we all know that patience is not my strong suite, though i do believe that i slowly improve over time. well, sure, the end of the semester is always a time to run out of steam (yes, teachers are human too), but i don't remember being this annoyed. i am seriously done with dealing with some of these little pissants who expect (that's a key part of why it's annoying) me to drop everything and serve their every need whenever they need it this week (or next). i feel like i should be in a good school mood - happy that it is so close to over that i can see the finish line, that i'm not really behind, even ahead maybe in terms of getting things ready for the end. but instead, i find my patience fleeting and my tolerance for idiocy virtually non existant. i haven't done or said anything terribly rude yet, but i wouldn't be surprised if it happens. maybe i can just blame it on the hormones if it does. hell, maybe it is the hormones. i figure that i've had one hell of a long, overloaded semester, and i'm really just done. done. done. done. so when the student in the math lab asks me over and over and over again how to do the same mixture problem because she keeps getting it wrong and it's clear that she's not learning anything, but rather just trying to plow through and finish, i get a little annoyed.
ah, i feel better. i know, i know, it's so close to being over...just hang in there. this time next week, i'll be a very happy camper.
and.....i don't have to teach math again until next Jan after this semester is done. sure i'll work the math lab this summer, but no prepping, no grading until next Jan. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
that is all. time to veg out.