I've Got Real Big Plans And Such Bad Thoughts [s/a]

Aug 21, 2011 23:38

Title: I've Got Real Big Plans And Such Bad Thoughts [s/a]
Ratings: PG-13 (swearing, implied sex)
Disclaimer: I only own the plot.
Summary: Jack's sick and Alex comes over.
Author's note: Just re-posting some old stuff. This is me messing round with adjectives and Jack's sick mind. As always comments are welcome.

Jack sat bolt upright. Sweating. Panting. Scared. Eyes wide open... fuck.

A knock at the door. Who the hell was that? At this time in the morning. Night.

He swung his legs off the bed, clambered through the hall, down the stairs. Clammy hands met the brass door handle. Pressing down and opening to reveal a shadow and light.

The fluorescent light from the porch shone on his brown hair, a smile as he stepped in. Placing a hand on Jacks shoulder. “Are you alright?” he asked, “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost”.

The hood shadowed his face, eyes glaring at the porch light, a grin as he stepped in. Placing a hand on Jack’s Shoulder “Are you alright?” he asked, “you look like shit dude”.

“Ermm no man, I’m fine just a little tired. That’s all.” Silence, Jack continued. “Don’t mean to be rude but... what are you doing here?” Jack returned. Baffled to Alex’s presence. Still confused from his premature awakening.

“Just came to see if you were alright, you looked off colour today at sound check. That was all.” His face concerned at Jack’s pale skin tone. Over perspiration. Shaking hands. He looked intensely into Jacks eyes, desperate to make contact.

“Just couldn’t sleep I suppose, everything’s on my mind. Songs, albums, tours. That was all.” His face untroubled at Jack’s pale skin tone. Excessive perspiration. Shaking hands. He looked away from Jacks eyes, desperate to avoid contact.

Jacks legs began to wobble. Muscles aching. Bones throbbing. Head spinning. Face flushed red. “I think... I think I need to sit down” he stated. Shivering in his boxers. Eyes in a fixed wide stare. He was blinded by darkness.

Alex rushed to the boys side, propping him up with his own body weight. Shuffling over to the brown leather couch. Laying the half naked body down and covering it with a blanket. Shit.

Alex remained in the same spot, feet glued to the floor. Watching Jack drop to his knees. Then the floor. The half naked body sprawled out across the hard wood floor. Perfect.

Groggily Jack woke. Lay across his bed, still in his black cotton boxers. Room spinning. He noticed a half empty glass next to the bed. Full of clouded liquid. Alex appeared in the door frame.

“Oh good your awake, I was about to call the Dr.” Alex hurtled over and embraced Jack immediately. A warm and soft hug was exactly what he need. “Now, drink this” Alex’s fingers caressed the tumbler and passed it to Jack.

“Oh good your awake, I was about to call for pizza.” Alex hurled the leaflet at Jack inaccurately. A Hawaiian pizza was exactly the last thing he wanted. “Now, drink this” Alex’s fingers seized the glass and thrust it to Jack.

“W... What’s in it Alex?” he asked. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to know the real answer. He didn’t feel right. Something didn’t feel right. Alex didn’t feel right.

Alex angled his head. Wrinkled his brow, ran his hand through his light brown locks. “Just water, salt and sugar, darling. You’re supposed to drink a mixture after passing out, sorts you out. Trust me” he said as he pushed the glass closer to Jack’s lips and caressed his face.

Alex twisted his head. Furrowed his brow, ran his hand through his light brown locks. “Just water and some tablets I found. Said there were supposed to stop headaches and drowsiness. Trust me” he said as he drove the glass closer to Jacks lips and handled his jaw.

The cold, wet glass shook in Jack’s hand. It sent shivers down his spine. Droplets of water beaded on his body. He tensed up. Pressing the side of the glass to his lips and swallowed a mouth full. Just as he had been told to. He trusted him. Right?

“Feel better?” a beautiful smile crept across Alex’s face. Reassurance. He lent forward and pressed a velvety kiss to Jack’s forehead. Stood up and turned to exit the room. “Gonna go get some blankets for you” he winked as his face disappeared behind the bedroom wall.

“Feel better?” a fiendish smile crept across Alex’s face. Apprehension. He lent forward and ruffled a bitter hand into Jack’s hair. Stood up and turned to exit the room. “Gonna go order some Pizza for you” he winked as his face disappeared behind the bedroom wall.

This was insane. Jack was insane. Was there two…two Al- however before Jack could finish his thought a wooziness passed over him. He mouth ran dry. His hands shook. Sweat dripped from his face. He hands turned white and began to shake. He felt like he was going to pass out. He did.

“Jack baby… hmm. Let me look at you.” He felt Alex straddle his hips. “You look so… so, pale.” Alex lent forward to feel Jack’s forehead. Alex nuzzled further into Jack to help him maintain his body heat. He let his face bury into Jack’s neck.

“Jack baby… hmm. Let me look after you.” He felt Alex straddle his hips. “You look so… so hot.” Alex lent forward to kiss Jack’s forehead . Alex nuzzled kisses into Jack and helped him remove his boxers. He let his face bury into Jack’s neck.

Jack was shaking uncontrollably.

“Stop shaking please,” Alex pleaded, concern scrawled across his voice. He moved his hand lower pulling the pair closer together.

“Stop shaking please,” Alex commanded, lust scrawled across his voice. He moved his hand lower pulling the pair closer together.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard baby.”

Jack sat bolt upright. Sweating. Panting. Scared. Eyes wide open... fuck. He saw the smaller boy lay next to him. He stirred in his sleep. Turning over to face Jack. His boyfriend’s eyes peeled open. “Are you alright? He asked “You look like shit... have you just seen a ghost?”
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