What's your star sign? Seriously, I'm doing a study whether you fit the 'star sign profile'

Jul 06, 2005 01:37

I got this book The Complete Book of Astrology today. It has the what people of that star sign generally are (example: hardworking, irrational), what they can also be (I think they're just covering their arses), what they love and what they can't stand.

SO, I've decided to do a study. I want to see how accurate this book actually is. Mine was ( Read more... )

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therapy August 12 2005, 16:41:19 UTC
Unfortunately, lj poll is being a frigwit so I have to do it the sucky way. You can just copy and paste it all and delete the one that's not true. yes/no. I know these are so general anyone could be a scorpio with the listed characteristics and there should be "sometimes"'s in there but just lean towards the one that is more true.

There's probably some stuff in there you won't want to answer truthfully (I didn't on mine. hah), but that's the point and don't worry, I won't judge you for your answers, I'll just be judging the accuracy of the book. :D

Scorpios are generally:
strong-willed - yes / no
stubborn - yes / no
complex - yes / no
able to get things done when nobody else can - yes / no
deeply emotional - yes / no
lusty - yes / no
perceptive - yes / no
searching for inner values - yes / no
capable of genius - yes / no
extravagant in their tastes - yes / no
not interested in money - yes / no
intense - yes / no
have hypnotic qualities - yes / no
industrious in private pursuits - yes / no
thoughtful - yes / no
reserved - yes / no
sensitive - yes / no
able to reason with imagination - yes / no
passionate lovers - yes / no
loyal - yes / no
supportive - yes / no
protective - yes / no
humble - yes / no

on the other hand they can be:
demanding - yes / no
possessive - yes / no
jealous - yes / no
unforgiving of faults - yes / no
quick to a powerful rage - yes / no
grudge-holders - yes / no
creators of life enemies - yes / no
obsessive, especially with sex - yes / no
angry suspicious - yes / no
secretive - yes / no
self-pitying - yes / no
self-justifying - yes / no

Scorpios love:
sex - yes / no
religion - yes / no
loyalty in a partner - yes / no
mystery - yes / no
secrets - yes / no
privacy - yes / no
trust - yes / no
sensuality/passion - yes / no
strength - yes / no
knowing where they stand - yes / no
acknowledgment - yes / no
honesty/integrity - yes / no

But they can't stand:
surprises - yes / no
lying and deceit - yes / no
apathy - yes / no
being analysed/questioned - yes / no
being 'understood' - yes / no
excessive compliments - yes / no
insincerity - yes / no
being embarassed - yes / no
passivity - yes / no


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