What's your star sign? Seriously, I'm doing a study whether you fit the 'star sign profile'

Jul 06, 2005 01:37

I got this book The Complete Book of Astrology today. It has the what people of that star sign generally are (example: hardworking, irrational), what they can also be (I think they're just covering their arses), what they love and what they can't stand.

SO, I've decided to do a study. I want to see how accurate this book actually is. Mine was somewhat accurate and actually very surprising in cases in their pinpointing of characteristics. It's not as diverse/general as I assumed it would be though.

So, anyways, if you want to participate in my little study of how accurate it was for you, leave me your star sign and I'll list what I mentioned for you and we'll see the outcome BUT you have to be completely honest with your answers. (I'll screen them and if you state it doesn't matter I'll unscreen them.)
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