I finished the Campaign of Halo Reach on Normal difficulty. The last couple of missions were tough yet epic. These missions proved that fighting Elites in Halo Reach can feel like miniature boss battles. In the final mission, I had to face 4 Elites with just grenades, a DMR, a pistol,and the Drop Shield armor ability. I died a lot of times during this time. The Drop Shield ability saved my ass a few times. Your health will regenerate while you are inside the shield as the Elites are blasting away at the shield. The shield will be destroyed quicker depending of the power of the weapons used against it. Someone shooting a pistol at it will not affect it but a rocket launcher or a Scorpion tank turret will destroy it quickly. The Drop Shield is really only effective against AI opponents during the Campaign and Firefight modes. I am sure that it is useful in team based multiplayer matches but Human opponents will just run through the shield. The way this game ends is one of the coolest endings in any game. The music in Halo Reach fits the tone of the game. I bought the soundtrack on Amazon is one of the best gaming scores this year. I am still enjoying the multiplayer. I have tried out a few new modes since I last posted. Headhunter is a mode similar to Unreal Tournament 3's Greed mode. When you kill someone in this mode, They leave a skull that you must put into a scoring zone to score a point. The scoring zones change locating during the game. The Headhunter Pro variation is a mode in which headshots are required in order for the enemy to drop a skull. I also played a few rounds of Oddball in Halo Reach finally. That mode is still fun. I have also tried out the Infection and Safe Haven modes. I have yet to play Crazy King in this game . I might have to create a Custom match and invite some friends for some Crazy King crazyiness. I am working on a map in Forge mode. The options in Forge are massive. It might take me a while to finish the map.
Tokyo Game Show was last week in Japan. A few new games were announced. The most talked about game of TGS was the reboot of the Devil May Cry called DMC. It's being developed by British developers Ninja Theory. They made the PS3 exclusive Heavenly Sword. The look of the new Dante is causing a lot of gamers to freak out. To me, he looks like a Twilight reject. The overall look of the game is completely different from the previous games. Unfortunately , The trailer didn't show any gameplay or a possible release date. I am not going to freak out about DMC until more info is released. Tron Bonne, X-23,Wesker,and Spider-Man were announced as characters in Marvel VS Capcom 3. Namco Bandai announced Tekken Tag Tournament 2. A lot of new games were announced for Microsoft's Kinect camera for the 360 including a new Steel Battalion game with no controller controls.
With my pre-order of Halo Reach from Amazon, I got a $20 credit to use in my next video game purchase there. I am thinking of using it to pre-order Assassin's Creed Brother or LittleBigPlanet 2. I could also use it to get $20 off a game that is already out. I am still figuring out what to do with this credit. Amazon might not offer cool pre-order bonuses like Gamestop but I like what Amazon offers.
I can't think of anything else so I will close this thing up.