In the last entry, I mentioned that I found a sweet deal on the first Mass Effect game. In Mass Effect, You play as Commander Shepard. Like in previous Bioware games like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Dragon Age Origins, You can make your character male or female. My Commander Shepard is named Sera. Here's a pic of her.
Like in KOTOR, There are various classes that your character can be. Sera is a Vanguard. Vanguards have a mix of combat and Biotic abilities. Biotics are basically like Force powers in KOTOR. There is also the choice of playing the game as a Paragon or Renegade. It's basically like being a good cop or bad cop in the Mass Effect universe. Paragons would try to talk out of a situation while Renegades would shoot their way out. The way you respond to people in conversations can sometimes affect which side you lean towards. Like Dragon Age, There are also romance subplots. Each gender of Commander Shepard has 2 romantic options. In a interesting twist, Both genders can pursue Asari party member Liara. All Asari are female and can mate with basically anyone.
The plot of the 1st ME game is about Commander Shepard becoming a Spectre. She becomes one after a Rogue Spectre named Saren attacks a Human colony. Saren aligns with a synthetic race of aliens known as the Geth in search of a ancient alien relic. The game's plot mainly involves Shepard searching the galaxy looking for Saren. Along the way, She meets a few people who join the crew of the Normandy. The Normandy is the spacecraft that Commander Shepard uses to explore planets and accept missions. You can basically visit every planet in the game. Some of them are only scanned. There are other planets that you can land on. You use a rover called the Mako to drive around the planet but the driving controls suck. Another downside of the game is long elevator rides. The story, the conversation system,and the Paragon/Renegade choice are what make Mass Effect a game that fans of Bioware games need to play. I have finished my first playthrough and I enjoyed how this first chapter of this series ended. I ended up being more Renagade than Paragon. I am starting a new character a couple of days ago. He is going to more Paragon. His class is the Infiltrator, a class with a combination of combat and tech abilities. I am looking forward to see how different this playthrough will be compared to my 1st one.
Obviously, I am planning to get Mass Effect 2. When I get it, I am going to continue Sera's story first. It should be interesting since I did a lot of Renegade things in ME1. This game is going to come to the PS3 in January 2011. If you only have a PS3, You should definitely check ME2 out. I am still getting the 360 version. Here is the launch trailer for ME2 when it came out on the 360. There was a short trailer announcing the PS3 version of ME2 but it doesn't show how epic the Mass Effect storyline is.
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That's all I have to say about Mass Effect for now.