Zombies, Joanna Dark, and other random things.

Jul 14, 2010 01:01

It's been a few days since my last entry here and I'm a different gamer than I was in it. I really can't be classified as a Sony "fanboy" ( I still hate that term.) anymore. A person I follow on Twitter showed me link to a awesome deal for a 360 Arcade model at Target. When I got paid, I checked the Target website to see if one was available at the mall I work at. Unfortunately, There were sold out so I did the next best thing. I traded some games at Babbage's I have that I either finished or knew that I wasn't going to play again. The credit was enough to where I didn't have to pay a lot for the 360 and a couple of games. Here are a couple of pics of the latest console I have now.

As you can see, It's a 360 Arcade model so I don't have a hard drive for a lot of gamesaves right now. Setting it up was easy. I like the 360 dashboard but it's too early to say if it's better than the XMB of the PS3. I also picked up a card for a 3 month XBL Gold membership. I like the features available for Gold members. I know a lot of people complain that it's lame to charge for online play but it's not that big a deal to me. I tweeted a couple of times on the 360 and the PC is still the best way to use Twitter. Netflix is definitely better on the 360 than it is on the PS3. It's good not having to use a disc to instantly stream movies and TV shows. The Last FM feature is also cool. I haven't visited the XBL Marketplace a lot so It's still too early to say if it's easier to navigate than the Playstation Store. One cool thing I noticed: You don't sign out of Xbox Live when you are using Netflix or watching a DVD. If a friend is using Netflix, It will say what he or she is watching when you check on your friends list. I didn't get a headset for the 360 so I haven't tried the cross game chat that all PS3 owners wish they had.

I got a couple of games so I wasn't spending all of my 360 time watching Netflix or checking out the various features of the 360. I will tell you a bit about each one.

Dead Rising is a game about photojournalist Frank West as he tries to cover a story about zombies in a town in Colorado. Since Frank is in a mall for the entire game, he has plenty of stuff to use to kill the zombies. My favorite item to use so far in the game is the electric guitar. I love the sound it makes when I hit a zombie with it. Unlike most horror games, Food items you find in the mall refill your health instead of first aid kits or herbs. You save your progress in the game by either using the bench in the mall's security office or using the various bathrooms in the mall. This is kinda a hassle when you have a lot of zombies chasing you while trying to get to a bathroom. Also, You can only have one save file in the game. Another issue is that the text is small if you are playing on a SDTV which I am doing. One of the few times that there is large text is when you get a message saying the " ______ ______ IS DEAD!" I kinda like that reminder since it will motivate me to find as many survivors and bring them to safety. Since Frank has a camera, You can also take pictures that can help you level up and learn new zombie killing skills. I like this RPG-like feature in the game. I am not really far in the game but I am having fun with it. I am now looking forward to Dead Rising 2 which comes out in September. Hopefully,Capcom will release a demo of DR2 on both the PS3 and 360. It would be a good way to decide which version I want to get. If you own a 360 and don't have this game, Get it now! It's cheap and a lot of fun.

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Perfect Dark Zero is the prequel to the Nintendo 64 game,Perfect Dark. You play as Joanna Dark, a British spy. It's not the best FPS ever but it's still pretty cool. There are a lot of cool gadgets and weapons that you can use. One of my favorite weapons is a submachine gun which has a cool infrared feature that allows you to spot enemies a bit easier. The plot of the single player campaign is not that good but I like the design of the levels in it. Each mission has a section in which you must use a certain gadget like a demo kit or a hacking tool to proceed to the next part of the mission. Each gadget has its own minigame to use it. If you get lost during a mission, a clear blue arrow will direct you to where you need to go. I am kinda disappointed that you can't run or jump in this game. A lot of FPSs these days either has one or both of those features. PDZ's multiplayer is kinda fun. I was shocked to find out that people still play this online. There are not a lot of people but bots can also fill out the online matches. I have only played the deathmatch and team deathmatch types so far. I have beaten the Single Player campaign on the Agent (the easiest) difficulty so far.

I also got the 360 version of Saint's Row 2 but I mentioned the PS3 version in a earlier entry. It's basically the same game but on the 360. I also downloaded the demo for Tetris Splash, a Xbox Live Arcade version of the popular Tetris franchise. It might be the first XBLA title I download when I get my hard drive in a couple of weeks. I also might get Trials HD, Splosion Man,and Pac Man Championship edition. Since I'm new to the 360, What other XBLA titles and retail 360 games should I check out?

That's all I have to say about the 360 for now. My XBL gametag is RandomProxy so tell me your gamertags to me if you have a 360.
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