Nov 10, 2007 18:45
It's cold here in South Carolina. It sucks. I am not a fan of extremely cold weather. Most of the week, I had to force myself to get out of bed. I am glad that I don't live in New York or Alaska or even the north pole.
Yesterday, I decided to upgrade my acount here to a paid accout. It allows for more userpics than the other account types. I have tons of icons that I like to use so more userpics is good thing . This user pic is one of the new ones I added. Another cool feature is more layout choices. I am still trying to find one that screams " thomasthecrg!!!!". It should be fun to find the right one.
The writer's strike is affecting this tv schedule in a huge way. I don't know all of the details but I do know that the writers want more of the profits for the shows that air online and on DVD. In a way, I have to agree with them. They work hard in writing some of the best TV shows on and they deserve a bigger part of the profits. Because of the strike, The new season of 24 will not air this season and some shows will have shorter seasons. It's a good thing that I have lots of games to play and DVDs to watch so I will survive this lack of a full tv season.
I played Guitar Hero 2 today for the first time in a while. I am a bit rusty. I usually had no problem with Cheap Trick's " Surrender" but I was missing notes that I usually get. I still suck at Strong Bad's "Trogdor". I also sucked at playing Foo Fighter's " Monkeywrench". I usually do good on that song. It made me realize something. I really want to get the PS2 version of GH3. I was going to wait to get it for PS3 but It is going to a while until I get a PS3. GH3 features a whole bunch of badass songs, most are not covers as with GH2. It has the Tenacious D song, " The Metal". That's a badass song. The good thing about getting the PS2 version is I don't need a new guitar but the GH3 is wireless.
SHO update: I passed the first boss. It took a while but I defeated him. I haven't had much free time to play the game but I have my days off from work coming up. My room is pitch black without the lights on, the perfect atmosphere for paying SHO.
I looked at a article saying that FUNimation might pick up some of the shows that Geneon distributed here in the US. That includes Hellsing!!!!!!!! As a fan of Hellsing, I hope this happens because the Hellsing OVAs rock! FUNimation is also considering picking up Black Lagoon, another show I like.
This conlcudes this random entry of mine.
cold weather,
silent hill,
guitar hero,
writer's strike,
black lagoon