Yes or no?

May 29, 2014 11:10

What are your thoughts on the #yesallwomen campaign ( Read more... )

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sushidog May 31 2014, 03:07:11 UTC
No, I don't, because as I've stated before, it's really the same thing.
No, it isn't, and frankly, it isn't up to you, as a man, to make that call. If you want to be an ally, you're going to have to let women decide which issues they want to address and what feminism is about, and learn to take a back seat. Which is precisely why I'm not comfortable with men calling themselves feminists; because inevitably it means they want to determine the direction feminism takes, which usually means diverting it away from the issues women want to address.

This does not mean that if I break my toe that I will get a different treatment then your broken toe just because of genders.
I can't speak for broken toes, but I have certainly been given different treatment from that given to a male friend who had pretty much identical symptoms, because of gender, for a medical issue which was not in itself gendered. So no, sorry, you're wrong. You are a man, you don't see what women experience, so don't try to tell us what we experience. OK?

I don't think anyone claimed it wasn't misogynist.
Your whole schtick about how he killed men too certainly came across that way.

aka 'letting my depression and exhaustion get the better of me'
Then I suggest you back away from the internet before you get to that point.

here and here.


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sushidog May 31 2014, 03:36:55 UTC
There is a huge difference when you are driving in a car and your friend says "it's faster to take the freeway" vs. the guy in the back saying "Driver, take the freeway".
That's me.
But not only are you not the driver or the owner of the car, but you don't actually know where we're planning to go and you don't know the roads. So when you say "It's quicker to take the highway" what you're actually saying is "My opinion as someone who doesn't know the terrain here is worth more than yours, even though these are your roads, and your destination".
And in fact, what you've been saying is not "It's quicker to take the freeway" but rather "I don't think we should go where you want to go, I've decided you should drive me to my chosen destination instead", to which my answer is, get out and walk, buddy.

I prod, poke, take things for a spin and that's how I understand things.
But apparently what you don't do is listen to the people who actually _live_ this. mean they actually are saying that they should close down women's shelters to replace them with men's
You're really not reading very carefully at all. It's incredibly frustrating trying to have a discussion with you when you keep twisting what is being said like that; please try to read more carefully before replying.
Although in a way, it's a perfect example of why it's not OK for you to tell us to take the freeway; your understanding of the drive (or the conversation) isn't good enough for you to be able to do that, and that's at least in part because you're quicker to give your opinion than to listen to other people's.


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sushidog May 31 2014, 03:48:24 UTC
No, "we" haven't. You may have done so; I'm objecting to you twisting what has been said, for no apparent reason. That's not a stereotype, and it's not in my head. Go back and read again, and you'll see what I mean.

But yes, frankly, it probably is time for you to sit down and shut up; We're driving, we know where we're going, we don't need any backseat navigation.


sushidog May 31 2014, 03:39:55 UTC
And with perfect timing, this just appeared on my Facebook feed to explain to you why your "poking and prodding" is problematic.


spiltmemory June 9 2014, 04:44:55 UTC
i've been away from LJ so i've only just read this thread. but i wanted to say that i'm so impressed with the way you handled this conversation, the patience you showed, and how well you articulated yourself here. and also, thank you.


sushidog June 9 2014, 04:48:27 UTC
*blush* Thank you, I really appreciate that!


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