Below is a LJ thing that I have heavily modified for my own purposes, Its basically a joke so feel free to be creative.
The problem with LJ: users all think they are so close, but really they know nothing about each other, when they discover this they feel the impulse to whine about it. I am in favor of maintaining the status quo. So I want you to
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2. What is the saddest thing?
3. Which is better, sniffing gas or beating orphans (or both)?
Identity theft, Volunteering at the YMCA, and hearing the lamentation of their women (as they watch Grey's Anatomy)
2. What is the saddest thing?
The Saddest thing is finally building up your seige tanks... OMG ZERG RUSH KEKEKEKE ^_^.
3. Which is better, sniffing gas or beating orphans (or both)?
Of course its all three!
Sorry I didn't call back, I only got in shortly before I posted my comment, and it seemed a bit late to be phone-ringin'. Damn long-winded priests.
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