Jun 06, 2008 00:24
I feel kinda accomplished. I've signed up with a temp agency, have watched a film almost every day and have at least written drafts of blog entries about them, got my bike put back together (with the help of Helen's bike shop, I am useless with tools), written thank you letters for graduation gifts, registered with a temp agency, researched careers and how to obtain them for the Future of My Life, aided my parents in setting up my dad's e-mail on all of his computers/phones/whatever, got the printer set up despite our neighbor's EXACT SAME MODEL printer on a non-password protected wireless server trying to foil our attempts (we did in fact print documents concerning my mutual funds to his printer - I almost sent him stupid pictures of me as a practical joke and to let him know that we could tap his printer that easily), and set the ball rolling on super secret surprises for people. I also bought two really cute pairs of boxer short pajamas. That is somewhat unrelated, but very related to my general appeal as a human being.
Fact of the day: Livejournal does not have "blog" in its spellchecker. It suggests bog, log, blag, bloc, biog, bldg, blow, blob, blot, clog, flog, and slog instead. This is hilarious, just so you know.