today was a gettin shit done day. i was woken up by UPS at 11 AM, with a package for alyssa. it was nice because then i was up, and i didn't have to deal with snoozing my alarm. i made breakfast (two fried eggs and a toast) and after a few cups of coffee and the NY times crossword, i headed out for hells of errands.
the main one was to take alyssa's car to jiffy lube fer an oil change. the last time the oil had been changed was may 2008. her car has only put on 5000 miles since then, so it's not as bad as it sounds, but since there are two out of town trips coming up (eugene tomorrow and bend for our 'versary), it was time to get it done. i HATE getting oil changes. you never know if you'll get a pushy asshole trying to sell you all sorts of shit. luckily, i got a cool guy trying to sell me shit. the kind of guy who subtly acknowledges that it's just his job to try to push all the stuff you don't need and is nice when you say "NO" time after time. i think telling him it was my girlfriend's car might have helped too. and since i was using alyssa's money, i couldn't have gotten more than an oil change if i wanted to.
i just wrote an entire paragraph about getting an oil change. things aren't too exciting lately, eh? well, there's a pugs show this saturday! at mississippi pizza! come out! drink pizza and beer! i'll have a more interesting post then.
tiger house is ALSO playing a 100% excellent show saturday at the doug fir. the release show for their
DOOM POP EP, which i recorded/mixed/mastered. it's a great set of songs, and their show will certainly rule, with them most likely playing my favorite new tiger house song, "new york sleep." but fuck tiger house, come to my show instead!!!!!
what's a tranny flush?