chowder all the time.

Oct 18, 2010 22:29

i'm thinking about calling the pugs album parf. i realize it is pretty lame to involve one's cats in one's music, but i just really like that word. and, i mean, parf IS a really awesome cat... it's either that or real nights right now. i just don't know. this is the first time since applewine that i've not known the album title way in advance (and i settled on applewine by looking at the factory names of sounds on my keyboard).

today i watched that wilco documentary about yankee hotel foxtrot. i'd seen it before, but i've been hankering for music docs, so i watched it again. i've always liked summerteeth, YHF and a ghost is born since alyssa got me into them way back then. their last couple albums have been WEAK though. one part of the movie showed them playing live, and the keyboard dude was using an arpeggiator (going super fast) on a synth, and it sounded rad, so i thought i'd try that on a couple pugs songs. i have a free minimoog knockoff synth plugin with an arpeggiator that i've been meaning to make use of. i realized that if you program the arpeggiator to run super fast, it doesn't really have to be in rhythm, and it's more of an effect rather than an actual melodic thing. i tried it on "i'm a god" and it really works well. i also tried it on "all the shadows," but it cluttered things up too much so i scrapped it. but yuh, I LOVE NEW SOUNDS.

what's a clapper board?
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