Crikey, I haven't done one of these in forever.

Oct 18, 2005 21:09

:x: name: Adam R. Fortin (The "R" Stands for Rrrrrr)
:x: shoe size:12
:x: jr.high: The King's Academy......Unfortunately, it was a JH/HS. I spent nearly half of my life there.
:x: elementary: Southbay Christian......It's no longer in business...
:x: hometown: Sunnyvale, CA. I plan to live thousands of miles away from it.
:x: favorite place: Anywhere that's peaceful.
:x: favorite soda: I don't drink soda.
:x: favorite food: Sushi, Curry rice, and simmered tofu.
:x: favorite book: I read a's hard to choose a favorite.
:x: favorite pen: Pilot Precise 0.5...
:x: favorite car: The new Accord Hybrid.
:x: favorite animal: In terms of domesticated animals, it's either the Abyssinian cat or the Alaskan Husky. In terms of wild animals, I'd have to say it's either the Alaskan raven or the black leopard.
:x: water brand: Disani..
:x: favorite burger: I'm trying to wean myself off of meat.
:x: favorite hobby: wandering aimlessly through nature.
:x: favorite friends: Alex and Ryan.
:x: bar or club: Neither. I hate alcohol and clubs are for desparate people.
:x: favorite vitamins: Focus Factor: they really do enhance the memory to a certain degree.
:x: favorite show: Though I don't watch much television, my friend Alex has introduced me to the joy that is 'Lost'.
:x: favorite news: C-SPAN: the most objective news source.
:x: gold or silver: Silver.
:x: favorite dog: Either an Alaskan Husky or a Dauchshund.
:x: cell phone co.: NOT Cingular.
:x: favorite shirt: It depends on the mood I'm in.
:x: favorite sport: Kenpo.
:x: favorite alcohol: Wine if anything.
:x: favorite computer: Vaio
:x: favorite fruit: elderberries or starfruit.
:x: favorite song: incubus: Tom Waits: The Day After tomorrow.
:x: ketchup or salsa: salsa
:x: favorite milkshake: fattening..
:x: steak or lobster: Lobster...either way, I'm contributing to suffering...oh well...
:x: favorite color: Certain shades of green and pink.
:x: favorite weather: dark and gray sans the rain.
:x: favorite states: Mass and NY

:x: have a crush on someone: not at the moment.
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: Yes...I just want to get away from suburban sprawl and urban decay.
:x: think about suicide: Only how stupid it is.
:x: believe in online dating: She knows who she is.
:x: think others find you attractive: Hopefully.
:x: want more piercings:'s not my thing..
:x: like cleaning: It depends on my mood.
:x: like roller coasters: I wish they didn't end so quickly.
:x: write in cursive or print: both....
:x: last talked to: Alex.
:x: last thought of: Taylor
:x: last showered: This morning
:x: last cut your nails: about a week ago.
:x: last did laundry: about a week ago.
:x: last hugged a tree: I don't hug trees....?
:x: last watched anime: I downloaded the newest Keroro episode recently.
:x: last prayed: Today....It's really helpful. Unfortunately, I don't give Jesus the time of day He deserves.

for or against?
:x: long distant relationships: Love knows no bounds....ideally...
:x: killing people: Civil disobedience might prompt one to change their moral standings.
:x: teenage smoking: They're old enough to make their own decisions. I'm not against it.
:x: driving drunk: I'm definitely against that. Too many fatalities.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: I'm for that. I still don't believe homosexuality is a sin....I hope I'm right though...
:x: soap operas: Whaaaaaat?

have you?
:x: ever cried over a boy: No.
:x: ever been in a fist fight: Not since elementary school.
:x: ever been arrested: Never.
:x: ever had a friend die: Preston Crowder in fourth grade.
:x: ever dated a cousin: Filthy....
:x: ever used a gun: A Beretta M92-F, a Colt Gas powered AR-15, and an HK MP5 40. I never plan on using a gun again.
:x: ever french kiss: nope.
:x: ever finished a puzzle: yes
:x: ever got surgery: wisdom teeth I suppose.
:x: ever got beat up: Nope.
:x: ever hated someone: I try my best not to.
:x: ever made a huge mistake: A few here and there.
:x: ever tried any drugs: I don't feel the need.
:x: ever jogged a mile: yes
:x: ever played w/ someones feelings: yes

:x: shoes do you wear: A pair of bizarre looking vans slip ons.
:x: do you sleep in: undershorts and a tee shirt.
:x: did you eat for lunch: some stuffed tofu at a vegetarian restaraunt called Garden Delight.
:x: is love: The unconditional bond between two people.

:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: 0
:x: of hearts I have broken?: 0
:x: of girls I have kissed?: Seven
:x: of boys I have kissed?: Five
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: A handful.
:x: of drugs you taken: 0
:x: of accidents you been in: None.
:x: of people you lead on?: Maybe two..
:x: of people you broke up with?: None.

do you think you are?
:x: pretty: Sometimes.
:x: funny: sometimes
:x: hot: eh
:x: friendly: Kindess is a virtue.
:x: ugly: Sometimes.
:x: lovable: To those who need it.
:x: caring: yeah
:x: dorky: Please....
:x: cocky: No.
:x: girly: Yes.
:x: boyish: No.
:x: smart: sometimes
:x: pimp: The hell?
:x: angel:
:x: gangster: Snoop Daaaawwwg....

:x: five letter word: River
:x: comedian: Billy Connoly
:x: candy: Super Cola....I miss Japan.
:x: cartoon: Invader Zim and GI- Joe
:x: cereal: Dried oats without milk
:x: chewing gum: eclipse.
:x: day of week: Friday
:x: least fave day: Sunday.
:x: jello flavor: butterscotch pudding.
:x: summer/winter: summer
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: Trampolines

person who last?
:x: slept in your bed: Me.
:x: saw you cry: I can't recall.
:x: made you cry: I don't recall.
:x: you went to the movies with: Alex
:x: yelled at you: Dad.
:x: sent you an email: Steve

have you ever?
:x: said "i love you" and meant it?: yeah
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: yup
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: yeah
:x: cried during a movie?: Big Fish.
:x: ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: nope
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide?: Never.
:x: been on stage?: I'm a theatre guy.
:x: been to New York?: no
:x: been to California?: live there
:x: been to Florida?: no
:x: Hawaii?: Yes
:x: China?: I have no intentions of visiting a third world country.
:x: Canada?: No, but I'd like to.
:x: Europe?: Hopefully for studies abroad.
:x: what time is it now?: 9.5 PM
:x: apples or bananas?: Apples
:x: blue or red?: blue
:x: walmart or target?: both are third rate stores.
:x: spring or fall?: Fall
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: get to some damned take home quiz.
:x: what was the last meal you ate?: Dinner
:x: are you bored?: yes
:x: last noise you heard?: Air's "run"
:x: last smell you sniffed: Cat fur
:x: last time you went out of state/province?: East coast trip back in eighth grade.

:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many?: one or two
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: Selflessness

random stuff?
:x: criminal record?: None at the moment.
:x: do you speak any other languages?: Japanese and French....studying Latin.
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: my bed and books
:x: piercings and where?: none yet...
:x: worst feeling in the world?: Apathy
:x: whom you love: Christ

:x: nickname(s): None
:x: initials: ARF
:x: how old do you look?: It usually varies....a few months back, several people thought I was still in high school based on my appearance....However, during a performance, some lady in the audience thought I was a teacher.
:x: how old do you act?: my age. When I'm with Alex, I act like a Junior higher.
:x: glasses/contacts?: neither
:x: braces: used to
:x: do you have any pets?: three wonderful cats.
:x: you get embarrassed?: yeah
:x: what upsets you? Weakness
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