Busy week

Mar 21, 2014 18:12

Spent Sunday pm- Friday pm offline. Got all the laundry done. All the hardwood swept. Almost all the dishes done (kid finished the last of them this morning). Nine of the garden beds raked, hoed, transplanted, or seeded. The new fridge bed put together and planted. Most of the large pots planted. Flowers seeded in two beds and along the fence line. Even got a little burning done before the wind showed up. Baked a couple loaves of bread. Cleared off more of the back porch. Bought the wood I need to fix the chicken pen door properly. Got 4 pots prepped for the adding of dirt so I can plant peas. Fixed the back porch window. Got a cable for the dog because the chain kept kinking. Reworked how to put the chicken pen together so I can use the pet fences elsewhere for other things.

Talked to the local gun shop owner about paying job, got laughed at (wasn't surprised, his paying jobs are few and far between these days). Got the paper. Talked to the gal at Casey's (they don't need help) and she suggested an alternate that apparently goes through employees rather quickly. Went home, filled out app, went to Lyndon, dropped off app. Went to Help House since I missed both the food pantry and the Harvester's pickups. Which reminds me, I need to put away canned goods. Ummm... In Osage, stopped at the new recycling place intending to pick up an app. Naturally, the door was locked. So, went to Pizza Hut and the Osage gun and bait shop, had lunch and picked up some minnows.

Put the minnows in the fish tank, realized had forgotten to go to hardware store, went to hardware store/lumberyard, got the dog's cable and the wood, and established that they are not hiring either. Stopped and got disappointment ice cream, walked down the street, bought minutes for my phone, walked down the street some more, and discovered the other hardware store sells bike tires and tubes (the big one doesn't). Went home. Released minnows. Watered garden again. Released birds for a bit of outdoor time. Caught up on facebook.

Contemplation of paper: The baseball job has apparently been filled, as it is no longer there. Other opportunities require degrees and certifications I do not have. Applications still being taken for the pool manager position - I think until the end of the month, so I will not know about that one for awhile yet. Guess I will hope for better in next week's paper.

(Incidentally, papers come out on Wednesdays, so I gauge the hunts after, usually.)

life in general, jobhunt, garden

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