David Duchovny makes a really good dog.

Jan 22, 2009 23:30

I always get a little too excited about commercials with cute cats in them, especially the ones that have odd-looking cats or mix-and-match cats of all sizes and colors. Sometimes I'll even be thinking excitedly to myself, 'Ooh, the next part is the part where the orange cat bumps the guy under the chin, and that's the cutest part of all!'

But lately I'm reduced to giggles by these commercials where David Duchovny does voices for dogs. Something about the amiable but lazy way he has of saying things like, 'I want meat!' or 'I don't mean to brag, but my teeth are really strong.' Combined with the visual of a little dog bouncing with excitement or yanking on a tuggy-rope...


And I'm pretty sure that if we could translate dog-to-English, it would sound exactly like David Duchovny.

(On a related note: David Duchovny GPS voice? Who's with me?)

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