I am not built for academic writings. Action is my domain - Gandhi
You know you've been reading too many books about the media when:
1) You start thinking about applying for Masters in Journalism & Communications
2) You start wondering about the content of your LJ and why anyone blogs/twitter/FB
3) You try to find an answer in your textbooks and is not satisfied.
So tell me, why do you blog? Do you have blogs for specific purposes? Would you keep blogging even if there were ZERO comments to your entries? What do you blog?
I think we might be overestimating the power of blogs and social networks. Tell me <3
Ok back to my usual scheduled programming of nonsensical fangirly because not everyone wants to come online to deal with srs convos.
This is a library. Really.
The books are chained to the pews.
The Malatestiana Library in Cesena is one of the oldest public libraries in Europe (and as expected or would it be a surprise that such a lovely place has one of the world's
shittest unusable websites?) The windows were specially designed to let in maximum light in for reading. It was built in the mid-1400s by the Malatesta (I so want to use this surname in a fic) family and given to the community rather than to the Church. It belonged to the people and was protected like a public entity which saved it from being destroyed in the many civil wars.
Art in Sydney. Chanced upon this en route to Darling Harbour. I thought it was real.
I really want this, minus the top hat and the giant bow. It'll match my new skirt so much and a pair of killer heels (like
these but less flashy).
I love this man. There is nobody in mandarin pop that comes anywhere closer to me than he does and this has to be my favourite look of him. His music always makes me (:
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An MTV about the mafia filmed in Italy with Jay as the new Godfather. Aptly the song is titled In My Father's Name and ironically the album the song is in, is his mother's name.
Was uploading some of the best of Jay Zhou Jie Lun for
siofrafiore so I might as well share it
And if anyone is experimental enough, here's my Jpop & Kpop
stash, you might find something you like. Be adventurous, try a foreign language and love it <3
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My favourite Russian composer, Rachmaninov and his epic piece (without orchestra). Piano Concerto #2 in C minor if I remember right. I'm not made to play the piano. I'm made to appreciate how every chord echoes in my bones in the Opera House.
Click to view
Yo yo ma is my Dad's favourite musician and I fell in love with Bach's Cello suite (by association the cello and many stringed instruments, yes, even the contra bass)
Pix spam because I'm tired and it's storming or maybe I have nothing worthwhile to say.
Very subtle Muku. I approve.
Halloween by this doujinka 108 something I'll unearth the link soon.
I don't know if those are crutches or customized tonfas.
And this is why Dino needs to be kept away from little children.
Wish there were more fics about her D:
OT3 <3
I'm starting to appreciate 8027, strangely but that doesn't mean anything beyond it.
South Park?
Image taken from
pixystik 80s is my ship for 80
I say ship Yamamoto to the Varia ALREADY.
XanxusShamal exists. Really now. Okay now according to
tokei the man under Xanxus is an original character in the Reborn novels focused on the Varia. SOMEBODY AGREE WITH ME THAT HE LOOKS LIKE ATOBE KEIGO FROM PRINCE OF TENNIS PLEASE? Oh my Atobechu~
I hate how underloved Lussuria is.
I'm sure 80 is more than just a jock right? Come on prove me right.
I prefer 10069 but this is pretty.
Spanner is my Millefiore version of Gokudera. Stay awesome.
Guess who? I love the concept of this.
Because even funny eyebrow boy needs love.
Closet ship. Yes 271 exists too.
I have a thing for animal crossovers. They are cute and I'm not a furry.
It must suck being a TWIN and a PYSCHO but it's okay, have some rainbow gay hair.
Sometimes people surprise you.
Whatever this is, I want it.
Would you believe me if I told you that I found this entry impossible to write? I think I might miss the way I used to blog, i.e. before I had >10 friends. What have I become?
What have you become? Think about it or humour me (: