I spent the whole day working on my presentation for Global Media class. I wrote 4 pages and did a 10 slide power point. When the presentation began, my notes were forgotten. All 4 pages of them, chucked carelessly on the desk and I just decided on whim to just bulldoze my way through without it. Read off the slides and added my own little bits of info D; Which was a total waste of time, considering I slept fitfully the night before and bothered to do some research.
No, don't tell me. I resent being called a sucker for pain. I'm just being... overzealous, cautious and... worried. Really D;
And now since I've got less than 4 hours of sleep, I am effectively falling asleep in my History lecture while
illiorsfool is being the model of a perfect student next to me. I like history don't get me wrong. But today I'm just tired. Somebody shoot me. I'm gonna be useless in tutorial which makes me wonder if I should even go to tutorial in the first place.
Oh. The presentation? It was um... okay. The lecture before it covered almost everything I had to say so I was rehashing like a broken tape recorder D; 20% gone~ On the other hand, the game I invented [a mix of monopoly and blackjack] = WHO WANTS TO BE RUPERT MURDOCH? actually went on smoothly. I hope my tutor doesn't think that I'm a closet gambler or something. Oh who really cares? At the end of the day, the only thing we remembered was the fun we had in the game and hopefully understand the key points in my presentation at the same time. Okay, I'm assuming... but hey! a girl can hope right? Ugh, hopefully my tutor passes me just fine. We weren't the best speakers D;
Anyhow, the Z monster is sneaking up on me every few minutes I've got not enough brain cells to analyse further in HIstory lecture, so I shall spare my flist from this pain. Oh and before I forget, kudos to Kacie for ripping JunJou Romantica and Code G for me. That might help me write my papers due this week... or not ;D I just want this week to be over. 2 presentations 3 papers. Ugh why do they keep dumping everything in the same week? Don't they understand we have a LIFE? Icon says all. I hope I get everything done before Animania this weekend. At this rate, I won't be able to cosplay but I'm determined to get my haircut, go to my friend's housewarming and shop my ass off.