David Tennant Portrait

Feb 07, 2011 18:10

Hey look, something that's not Merlin orientated! How did that happen? lol

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david tennant, portrait, doctor who, 10th doctor, pencil drawing

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thepowerofme February 18 2011, 10:42:34 UTC
*squees and hugs* Thanks so much bb, I'm really glad you like it, especially the stubble. I left the stubble to the very end, which I really regretted doing when it wasn't going particularly well. What you see there, my friend, is frustration. lol... who knew, getting tired of doing precise marks and just stabbing at the page haphazardly would work so well! XP lol

I'm glad that you think it's perfect as well, even though I know it's not. But as long as you don't see the flaws, that's all that matters. ^.^ Thanks again hun for being my one and only comment! *hugs* I really should get myself some watchers or something, on LJ.


ext_1239486 June 2 2012, 20:41:21 UTC
oh wow this is amazing! i draw but im nowhere near as good as this...and i love how the fabric is done and everything, how long did it take to draw? i want you to draw me something!


thepowerofme June 6 2012, 22:43:26 UTC
Thank you, I'm so glad that you like it! :D This one took me 25 hours to do. Unfortunately I don't take requests, unless it's a commission of course. ^.^ he he But I love the compliment, thank you so much for your kind comment!


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