I have done the impossible

Apr 04, 2010 21:01

On Saturday, April 3, 2010, I did something even I could not believe.

I went a whole day without even turning on my computer.

It was hard let me tell you. I didn't go full techno-phobic, I still watched TV and stuff, but let me tell you, it was hard to go without the constant input of my laptop. I'm used to the Facebook status updates, XKCD's IV drip of humor, and generally being one click away from anythinng I wanted. At first, I had no idea what I was gonna do. I played a good amount of FFX, I certainly watched a good amount of TV, but one thing I did was so much better than anything else.

I went outside. For hours on end. I took a two mile walk, and wrote some poetry about what I thought as I walked. I came home and did some yardwork, picking up sticks in my yard. I got out my brother's old baseball bat and hit some balls into my grandpa's field, which was something I hadn't done in YEARS. I just sat on the grass with my iPod and listened to music while cloud watching.

It was awesome. I know, I know, scary nature, but after all, we're all alive, and thats all nature really is, lving things, so going out and getting aquainted with natured for a bit shouldn't really be that big a deal, should it? I don't know. All I know is that I had a pretty good day.
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