[The feed opens to show Vriska in her apartment, and it looks like she’s brought a guest! A finfaced hipster guest. That’s right, Vriska and Eridan are willingly inhabiting the same space. In fact, one could even say the two of them are in...cahoots. Cahoooooooots.
This can’t end well.]
(blue = Vriska, purple = Eridan)
ooc cut for length and SHAMELESS HATEFLIRTING )
There was acting, and then there was sacrificing your dignity. So after Eridan leans in for the kill, she keeps it together just long enough to turn the feed off, then meets his lips -- with her fist.
Hey, she did tell him it was coming.]
Eridan stumbles back, nursing his split lip and glaring a little pathetically. It's not that he hasn't worked out what's going on here, but he plans to milk it for all it's worth.]
God damn it Vri, what's wrong with wantin' to make this little candlelit hatedate real official-like?
Funny, I thought that's what I was doing! I did promise you a fist to the face, didn't I?
[It wasn't supposed to sound quite so much like she was agreeing with him, but Vriska's too busy trying to get the imagined taste of Eridankisses out of her mind to reword that. His lips were probably all sandy, eugh.]
I just know I'm going to regret asking this, but...fine. what did you have in mind?
[ooc; Are you okay with assuming this is before she heard about Terezi?]
Well that's what I was tryin' to get at before you went knockin' me around. I mean, exceptin' our little break, we've been doin' this shit for a while, you'd figure we got to... smooch at least once.
..."smooch". Really.
[Raises an eyebrow.]
I was going to give you a much less resounding no, but you just had to go and say something so utterly lame. Who do you get these godawful pickup lines from, Troll Napoleon?
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