While we were studying today, G suddenly remarked that I haven't been updating my blog! It's been a week since I last updated already and I didn't even realise that. :( Since I'm busy, and also very lazy, here are more Instagram pics teehee! I love how convenient it is, cuz I can just upload the pics directly to my Flickr account. :)
cocoquettes Anchor Double-Flap Blouse in Blanc / Wore the same top as Angie unintentionally! / Skype with Shar on a Friday night / G's new 9900 / Bunch of Berries / Lunch at La Nonna / Studying in the Central Library / Self-motivation / My very boliao stamp - useful for expressing myself when homework gets me frustrated / At Fusionopolis for a field trip of sorts - we won caps! / My 1kg file :(