When I started looking through the next bunch of photos I was gonna blog with, I suddenly realised that on my last day of work, I actually took a whole load of other photos later that night that I forgot about! Oops. Well, here they are now. After my last day of work, I went to meet G and his family at Peach Garden (the OCBC one), and then we subsequently met Shar (and xxxxxx) and somehow ended up somewhere around the CBD, prancing around on a huge grass patch. It is oddly pleasant and calming there at night, when our financial district is no longer buzzing with cubicle rats.
We were in a private room at Peach Garden, and the view was awesummmm.
If you were wondering who the little kids were, they're G's niece and nephew!
My camera actually has this really cool panoramic function that is grossly underused. This is probably the first time I've ever been able to put it to good use! I'd enlarge the picture more, but then my blog will probably look really messed up and weird! :(
This picture looks damn posed for, methinks. But truth is, the only one posing was Shar hahahaha. The boys cannot be bothered with taking pictures.
We were trying to take a self-shot with the buildings as our background, but failx10. :(
So G offered to help us take pictures. (But he always takes damn anyhow pictures! So a lot of our pictures turned out damn blur. -.-) And this was one of the cooler looking ones haha.
After a while we decided to start using the self-timer, but we were moving around a lot so some of our pictures still came out like that. -.-
Trying to be ballerinas hahaha.
Last picture of Shar the bat. Evidence of how old these pictures are already - Shar has been in Paris for over a month already? :/