i'm reminded of the time me and anne were at ted's hot dogs and we couldn't buy any cuz they only took cash and all we had was credit cards, so we walked out and then noticed that this girl was doing something at us from the window, she was giving us the finger, so immature, how childish... SO WE DID IT RIGHT BACK!
and now presenting anne's brilliant discovery, stacie is like diarrhea, you just don't want to have it....
Most kids battle diarrhea from time to time, (like the e.a./pinkles gang) but the good news is that it's often caused by infections (stacie) that don't last long and usually are more disruptive than dangerous. Still, it's important to know what to do to relieve and even prevent diarrhea.
Causes of Diarrhea (jealousy, usually caused from being the last kitten in the box)
Diarrhea - frequent runny or watery bowel movements (poop) - is usually brought on by gastrointestinal (GI) infections caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.
The specific germs that cause diarrhea can vary among geographic regions depending on their level of sanitation, economic development, and hygiene (georgia). For example, developing countries with poor sanitation or where human waste is used as fertilizer often have outbreaks of diarrhea when intestinal bacteria or parasites contaminate crops or drinking water.
In developed countries, including the United States, diarrhea outbreaks are more often linked to contaminated water supplies, person-to-person contact in places such as child-care centers, (stacie we told you to stop with the children) or "food poisoning" (when people get sick from improperly processed or preserved foods contaminated with bacteria).
In general, infections that cause diarrhea are highly contagious.(mostly spreading throughout nightworld and australia) Most cases can be spread to others for as long as someone has diarrhea, and some infections can be contagious even longer.
Diarrheal infections can be spread through:
instant messaging
livejournal comments
dirty hands
contaminated food or water
some pets (lili, bodie, cujo)
direct contact with fecal matter (i.e., from dirty diapers or the toilet) (Oh jaden, will you ever learn?)
Anything that the infectious germs come in contact with can become contaminated. This includes toys, changing tables, surfaces in restrooms, even the hands of someone preparing food. Kids can become infected by touching a contaminated surface, such as a toilet or toy, and then putting their fingers in their mouths.
A common cause of diarrhea is viral gastroenteritis (often called the "stomach flu," it also can cause nausea and vomiting). (I can vouch for that one) Many different viruses can cause viral gastroenteritis, which can pass through a household, school, or day-care center quickly because it's highly infectious. Although the symptoms usually last just a few days, affected kids (especially infants, and emo kids) who are unable to get adequate fluid intake can become dehydrated. (poor mike)
Rotavirus infection is a frequent cause of viral gastroenteritis in kids. Rotavirus, which usually causes explosive, watery diarrhea, infects almost all children in the United States by the time they're 4 or 5 years old, (which jaden has been for the past four years) although not all will show symptoms. Rotavirus commonly causes outbreaks of diarrhea during the winter and early spring months, especially in child-care centers and children's hospitals.
Another group of viruses that can cause diarrhea in children, especially during the summer months, are enteroviruses, particularly coxsackievirus.
Preventing Diarrhea
Although it's almost impossible to prevent kids from ever getting infections that cause diarrhea, here are some things to help lessen the likelihood:
Make sure kids wash their hands well and often, especially after using the toilet and before eating. Hand washing is the most effective way to prevent diarrheal infections that are passed from person to person. Dirty hands carry infectious germs into the body when kids bite their nails, suck their thumbs, eat with their fingers, or put any part of their hands into their mouths.
You can prevent this from keeping hands away from keyboards and stay clear from the following ym accounts: brokendoll9913, sassychassis99, angelsea20062006, other names that may be used stillettoangel9913, dollietina, dark angel, stillettoangel00, stacia0205, darkmysticsprite, nightfallscall.. there are countless others so beware, but you too can be free of explosive diarrhea.
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